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Friday, May 4, 2012

Kelangsungan Hidup Seorang Mahasiswa

just got back from a motivational talk program
proposed by our own ayahanda =)
conducted by the person that i adore hehe
en firdaus d. from indonesia
he is an esq trainer
yang slalu dalam halaqah tu
yes that guy!

ok, klu dengar halaqah pun dh cukup sedih rasa nk nangis
inikan pula klu dah ade depan mate
berjurai-jurai air mata ha dibuatnya
sedih sangat huhu ;-(

thanks for that program
its really great to motivate and make us realize
who we really are???

we are just a very small and tiny and very2 tiny
from this whole universe
even the sun is small than other several big galaxies
Subhanallah... we are so kerdil

InsyaAllah cuba menjadi anak yang berjasa
dan umat yang berguna, amin

senyum + salam semut =D

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