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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Take Me Home :)


the past week yang bz menyiapkan thesis
yang sabonye bile hntr kt dr ade je silap
yang x leh blahnye silap yang satu salah kene betulkan semua
haiya tension ok, nk menangis pun ade
dah la td mimpi dpt B project report huhu risau pulak
bile dh pass ngn dr kene lak cek format ngn koordinator
lagi teruk sbb bile print beratus meter larinye even set betul huh

hari tu first time memberanikan diri bawk gen-2
sebab x mo sshkn akak n abg ipar anta amik
nsbla ok even cermin blakang agak mencabar ye
sebab tinted pny pasal dh x nmpk sgt
main agak je nsb x berlanggar

dah setel sabtu tu g umah yana berktm
akak balik sabak
agak gile bile dlm sehari makan mcm2
ns lauk + kfc + fries n 100+ + hot&roll + cool blog + sushi king
haha nak pecah perut ok dok makan saja
hari ahad pulak kurang sikit la makan
wedges + nasi, ikan kukus n sayur + wendy's + auntie ann's + red velvet + burger bakar
hari isnin makan wedges pagi n thgr makan kt umah sange
telah menyoping seluar peach + 2bj n 2 kst ish3
ptg isnin amik mak ayah kat umah sange n balik shah alam umah akak
gi amik thesis kat kedai g seksyen 8 bli lauk

hari selasa pg g fact anta thesis, g bukit cerakah main snow
makan tghri kat seksyen 8 baru tolak ke bp
stop jap solat kat ayer keroh konon nk cr gps ke bemban
tapi fail so balik jela umahnye
akhirnya bermulalah percutian saya di rumah
everyday is weekend day muahaha =)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Inikah Akhirnya...


Pertemuan yang tak dijangka
berakhir dengan perpisahan yang nyata
namun setiap yang berlaku memang ada hikmahnya
kita takkan jadi macam ni jika sesuatu tu tak berlaku
kita takkan dapat macam ni jika kita memilih jalan yang lain

sedihnya bila fikir nak berpisah dengan kawan2 belajar
nanti lepas ni dah takde nak gi kelas sama2=
makan sama2 masak sama2
kene bebel ngan lecturer sama2
fail test sama2 study sama2
sume lah sama2 shopping sama2 yang penting tu

kalaula la tadi kita peluk cium mungkin berderai airmata
jadi biarlah kita berpisah umpama esok akan jumpa semula
supaya kita x sedih sangat kan
lepas ni mungkin agak susah nak jumpa
sebab nak stay bp la sementara dpt result n grad
harap2lah bole dapat yang terbaik

sekarang ni still betulkan thesis lagi
lepas tu barulah oficially balik kampung
saya harap kita semua akan berjaya capai impian masing2
jangan putus sahabat
untungla ada fb, twitter dsb kan
insyaAllah x lost contact sangat huhu

ni hadiah untuk kiteroang si senior yang mahu grad

thanks 4 da shwal, like it =)

miss u all already n love u ols :-* PETB 4 eva

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Journey...


It seems like my journey here near to an end
but in the process of completing it
there are lots of hardship that should be faced first
one more paper to sit
and completing this thesis writing

think back for the past almost 3 years
+ with 3 years of diploma
its a bit tiring and boring
but at the same time
lots of memories gained
as well as knowledge of what a student should be

i am still feels that want to stay longer in this room
in this lovely college
this lovely roommates
this lovely moment that we have been through together
it is great to feel like finish but a bit sad at the same time
i am no longer students who can play around like curious child
i am no longer have commitment to lecturer and classes

after this i must seek for jobs
since i don't want to continue for master level
tired already ok but ya i know its good
i will think for it later but what i confident at the moment
i want to finish all these things and get graduated
ya Allah, i pray to you for my success in completing this degree
i want to get good grades for my pointer
and hope that i can attend that night next semester

thanks to all my friends who stand beside me when i needed
i love you girls very much
hope we still keep in touch even we are far apart
i hope we all can be success in our own future

T_T cry~~~~

ok ely get back to work
finish your thesis!
ok cu then =)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Its 2013 already!
and since from last year i still working on my FYP
just sitting in front of my lappy
oh no... stressful beginning of the year?

na... whatever it is keep calm and just do the best
have a blast this year
n may God bless u always =)