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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Philosophy (~0~)v


Everytime dengar perkataan ni rase nervous... Sebab ape? Sebab setiap kali kelas Dr S ni aemua orang pun kene present. Lepas tu sume orang yang active pun jadi passive x semena. Tapi menarik sebenarnye kelas ni. Bagi brainwash sikit once a week kan,,, Bile tanya pasal current issues sume pun pakat cuak kan. Dibuatnya terlupa baca paper terus lost la dalam kelas tu. Adehh... (0-0)''

Last time separuh kelas baikot x mo datang sebab mostly x buat homework. Yang bestnye Dr sendiri tanya "ok, mane kawan awak yang lain ni, x dtg, boikot ke???" Kiteorang dalam hati "peh tau dah ke, mungkin sebelum ni penah adi cam ni kan hehehe"

Last lesson we learn about "Philosophy of life" What is yours? For me, i have create one during the class:
Don't lie if you don't want to be cheated
Don't give up if you want to be success
Don't make things complicated if you want it to be simple
So, think positive and believe in yourself

Song title and the lyric that i like
By Kris Allen --> Live like we're dying

But anyhow Dr S is the best. He is a writer too beside from preparing speech for orang2 besar macam tu. He is so an experienced person.


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