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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Final Exam

Yup... now its already study week time n i need to revise n study 6 subjects for my final exam this sem, i hope i can do the best n may i pass all the subjects n get good result. But my exam timetable is not so helpful...

4/1/12 - CTU (need to remember history things that i'm not actually like n good at it, its in Malay n the words was lengthy2 punye)
11/1/12 - Emission (yg ni ade 7 je topic tp agak scary la jugak, sbb x fhm sgt hehe, alasan...)
12/1/12 - RS (ooo... this is the toughest subject for me even i like anything related to computer but not this 1, a bit stress in this subject but i hope i can catch up back)
16/1/12 - Solid Waste (during lesson is okay but during its test i cannot do it well, but this is one of the interesting subject this sem, i hope i can do it, yeay!)
17/1/12 - ESM (ok this subject had lots of topics, but i try to do my best, n i hope the lecture will mark my paper correctly huhu)
20/1/12 - Water (ok this is the last paper, this subject was quit interesting, and become last paper i hope i can still focus rather than focusing to the paper huhu...)

Anyhow, GOOD LUCK FOR ME and others who will tke the exam... Chaiyok2!

Ok jom study =)

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