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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Happy Birthday To Me

Eh suddenly bunyi siren pulak kat Kolej Melati ni. Apehal??? Nak prank ape... Actually dulu selalu teringin nak time bday same ngan time sekolah... Sebab ape? sbb rase mcm seronok je g school sume org pun tau n wish b'day. Rase menarik la... And after more than 20 years (yeah, i'm old already rupenye) barulah rase cemane "best" nye sambut b'day time blaja

What did i feel right now??? ok serius x seronok sebab tomorrow de test n kene submit report, lusa ade presentation 2 like what??? tension ok. haha... tapi ape2 pun at least ely ade kngn la sambut b'day time blaja. Last year is like agak seronok sebab tgh buat skp (skim khidmat pelajar) n sambut with my sister's family n abg ngah.

tolongla esok jgn ade org kenekan ely. maybe tu wishfull thinking e sbb sume org pn bz nk study tuk test... ok takleh tulis byk2 nk sambung study. Happy birthday to me, n thanks to all yg wish (padahal baru sape je wish hehe). i hope i will become more matured person (sbb still rs diri kebudak2an or aq e yg perasan), nk improve diri to become better person, hardworking, pandai bhg mase (in study sbb bru sdr diri pmls ae...) n good luck to myself 4 the becoming exam final 4th january till 20th. 6 papers ye i take.

Not to forget, thanks to my mom, she's the who give me birth and had sacrifice everything for me, throughout all my life. love u mom, n my dad too...

Jom smbg study... (so, boring, eh fire alarm apesal x benti2 ni???)

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