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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill (BTSL)

Hearing the name of landfill, the first thing that came through my mind is smelly place and dirty something like that. But u might want to visit this place too because it was an awesome n cool place ever. "Rubbish can make money". Only begin from solid waste, they can earn so much money by doing this type of business. Its brilliant wuhuu (over excited feelings haha....)

Methane gas that been produced in decomposing process of solid waste will be trapped and collected by pipe and goes to the landfill gas stack to be burned by additional oxygen. Then the product of carbon dioxide can be converted to energy and become as the electricity. Carbon dioxide that been release also can be sources to their estate of palm oil and rubber to undergo photosynthesis process. Cool right???

Besides that, leachate that come out from the waste will be collected and treated by using microbes instead of chemical compound. Microbes that being used was cultured by themselves and yet they had become the supplier for microbes to other company. They are choosing the lowest cost for treatment but give the best result of output. They are really making money!!!

Next, besides being treated by the microbes, the leachate also goes through reed beds (like bamboo plants that live on gravels) to be treated. As being mention by them, the do breeding fish by using that treated water. The want to have 0 discharge effluent so that they will recycle back all the sources to be used back. Besides the water for pond, they also make is as water sources to water their estate.

So only from rubbish people can be a billionaire ok. This is the business in Malaysia. But now they are expanding their business to China, Dubai and others for solar technology and reverse osmosis treatment water. Amazing... suddenly, i realize that the place was super cool and the best lah hehe

Do check their website for more info =)

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