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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mafia Wars vs Empires & Allies

It is obviously 2 of the popular online games in Facebook. I actually play those games hehe...
The mafia one sounds a bit violent but don't worry... its a game only... =)
I don't actually remember when i started play Mafia Wars...emm
but it is nearly 2 years kot... tapi bukannye selalu main tu yg naik level lambat
Ni sume gara2 member hihi... Ksian depa dipersalahkan hehe (alasan...!)
Nak lwn level dia sebenarnye tapi sampai sekarang still belum tercapai haha, jage ko... =p

Yang ni pulak Empires @ Allies... ni pun dah gile membina empayar... haha tp yg ni dah selamat memotong depa2 sume ngeh3,,, time cuti bole la main. Nanti dah start sem kirim salam je la, busy2... hehe

MW - level 407 (paling highest family 2600??? how to beat that, crazy man... haha)
E&A - level 34 (paling highest neighbour 53... jauh jugak tu)
that all for now... continue playing while listening to favorite songs in my playlist (^0^)v

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