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Saturday, July 23, 2011

First Chapter


Caution! - This blog will be using mixed english n malay language ok (^-,^)v

Hi... My name is Ely, from Parit Sulong, BP (not Balik Pulau, nor Bukit Pasir or Bukit Putus... in case u know) but Batu Pahat, Johor. Yeah i'm Johorian and yet people always link it with Javanese hehe... and yes i'm Javanese which... Understand when people saying in that language BUT fail to speak in it. They might laugh because its sound funny.. (T_T) Ok, this is actually the day of me having my own blog, err... its kind a late ek but... its ok to try a new things right? "better late than never". I have my tumblr =) Feel free to visit... its actually a collection of pictures, videos, quotes n songs that inspires me,,, i know u r already know it,,, but huhu just want to mention. Em... i should get credits coz promote it... 

About the title of First Chapter, emm...
its the first time i'm writing it so... macam Bab Pertama la kan...

oh ye... its remind me with the song of Babak Pertama by Drama
Nice song and the theme song for drama series in TV3 - Juvana, dah habis pun...
best jugak cite tu... layan sume cite kat tv sebab tengah cuti sem... =)

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