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Monday, June 4, 2012

Saya Geram...

thats all i can say
today everybody seems like zombie
i know today is Sunday
all are in slow motion mode or am i the 1 who moving too fast
first i go to photostat shop, the guy was so blur and walk and talk so slow urghh i so going to buy food first
second at the food stall i think buying a chicken rice set will be more faster BUT... the women who handle it still not finish giving 4 set for the buyers in front of me urghh why so SLOW???
than i got my chicken rice
third at the drinks stall this one not so slow actually, OK la...
then i go back to the photostat shop
2 set of paper consisting 28 pages all and i want 10 sets
not worth waiting for half and hour or 1 hour i guess...
i have to pay rm40??? why so EXPENSIVE???
then he says the total is 700++ so he gave discount and the last price rm40
i pages is for 5 cent
me who had just tired of waiting said ok give him rm40 and go
then i feel uneasy and so not masuk akal la the price biar betul this abang???

after i finished my chicken rice urghh not tasty at all
i go back to the shop but the guy is missing
i think he goes to perform maghrib and isyak both
ok fine i have wait there for 15 minutes or half and hour i guess
and then he came and i ask him to count it back in front of me
he was so blur and i don't know what he was thinking about???
its only + - x and / matter ok
u have challenge my upsr math level

28 pages x 10 = 280
280 x 0.05 = rm14 ok!
how come it becomes rm40
then i got back my rm26
thank you n bye

i know not everybody good in math but
if you have a business, you should know and must know how to calculate
if not your rather be cheater or being cheated

this is all attempts i guess... ya Allah give me patience to face all this conjecture huhu...

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