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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Finding Sister In-Law

boleh ke x ye buat iklan macam ni, try jela kan

saya sedang mencari future wife for my 2nd brother (erge)
kriteria yang dicari ialah,,,
boleh jadi kakak ipar yang baik untuk saya
sekali gus sebagai isteri yang baik untuk abang saya
jika berminat sila pm saya dekat fb ye
untuk mengetahui details mengenai abang saya
mungkin boleh berkenalan dulu
mana tau kalau ade jodoh boleh la kita jadi family (^^)v
ini bukan main2 ye serius ni ely mmg tengah nak carikan calon tuk abang ni huhu

cerita sebenar...

actually now, we are trying to match my bro with this 1 girl
and that girl was at the same place with me at this university
last Thursday i was checking up her fb to look at her pics
i really don't know and never met her since i think we are at different faculty
then today (friday) me n naba going to his 1 cafe as usual
suddenly when i enter the cafe
i was shock because i see her in reality just in front of my eyes
oh ya Allah, is this fate or is this sign that she will be my sister in-law???
she looks kind for me, but i don't how about my bro's opinion / view
its hard to do this actually but at that time i was just like usha2 je la kan
i immediately text my sis to tell her about this
she was like not really believe me at first but then she ask me to say hi or something
of course i can't because i don't have any connection to her
and suddenly go and to talk to her, so weird and i'm afraid she will hate me later
and say why is this girl suddenly came and say hi awkwardly crazy haha
so unbelievable actually, why it was me that met her first hhmm
ya i know of course because we are at the same place huhu
i don't know, if this happen for real that she will become my sister in-law
i was just fine and happy for them
will see then what will happen
my sis said that its like a novel story celah mane??? hehe maybe
for them la, and i am the story teller haha

(kononnye nk amik pic dia tp risau sgt takut nmpk mcm stalker, last2 meja je yg mampu huhu fail)

i'm just praying for the best for my beloved erge
hope he will find the right 1 to be his wife
he was so kind and never scold me
maybe just once when i was little
after that no never
kind and generous
but please don't kikis his money ok if yes then you will be facing me haha

thats all tq  

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