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Friday, September 16, 2011



Escaping from a dizzy busy week... =p
Stay at my sister's house again... sorry my sis n bro il for troubling u both...

Sunday.12.9 - Registration day. Sakit2 badan sebab kena angkat barang jauh2. All access to the college was closed to get in by car, so pakai kaki tangan je la huhu...

Monday.13.9 - Go to faculty do table meeting with classmates n try to settle up with registration course... pending... Go to class Water with Miss Bazlin, Emission with Dr Ab. Khalik and ESM with Pn Zitty Sarah??? Uhuu...

Tuesday.14.9 - Finished 1 Chapter for ESM hahaha... got 1 assignment

Wednesday.15.6 - Emission class, finding class and answer questionnaire...

Thursday.16.9 - No Mandarin Class. No Solid Waste class. Fighting for class with Miss Lin, ,,, got 1 more assignment. then packing up and run away...


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