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Friday, October 28, 2011

Kela Camp


What will you do if suddenly you are stuck in the middle of the road? While you transportation broke down. No coverage to call for help even no S.O.S call can be done... ------BLUR------ n -----BLANK------

That is actually a true story of me going for trip at Kela Camp in Raub Pahang for my ESM subject. The total of student going is around 60 and there are 2 bus available... Nak dijadikan cerita (hah kan dah keluar BM punya bahase, senang sikit nk cite) The story will begin...

Saturday Morning
We are suppose to go at 8 but the bus are late and 1 is broken. Then 16 of us go with the bus that want to go to Janda Baik. We want to go to Raub so, we will stop at the Genting Sempah R&R... We leave at 9 am. The rest student will take the second bus of Bas Persiaran (dah nyawa2 ikan bas ni sebenarnya) Then gitu gini leave at 10 because fill up the tank first. Before arriving at Genting Sempah, that Bas Persiaran was stop and smokes come out. The bus has problem  with it's radiator... panas tetibe kn... Kiteorang yg sah sampai R&R ngan bas baru Rengit tu, diorang x sampai2 lagi... Nak dekat kul 1 kot baru diorang sampai. Kiteorang dah siap makan McD segala.

Saturday Noon
Kiteorang yang awal ni kenela bertolak dulu naik bus buruk sebab nak tunggu bas baru yang tengah hantar orang kat Janda Baik tu balik amik kiteorang. Kenela berkorban naik baus buruk n jalan dulu... Nak dekat kul 3 maybe dah nak sampai camp tu benti solat. Pastu gerak tetiba tengah jalan berasap n xleh hidup. Cuak sume orang. Nak uat call xde coverage, terpaksalah driver tu simbah2 air n wait keap sambil try hidupkan enjin huhu... 2 org budak laki g naik lori ke tempat camp tu dulu tuk mintak bantuan tapi x pulak balik2.

Saturday Evening
Last2 cube punya cube hidup gak bas tu n sume cepat2 naik n go.... sampai2 sume orang dah ade termasuk bus yang baru tu pun dah sampai. Diorang memotong time kiteorang berhenti solat Zuhor rupenye. Yang 2 org dah g dulu tu x bole nk bagi bantuan sangat la sebab kat situ pun line xde...

Saturday Late Evening
Eat n Briefing from En Azmi tuan rumah, camp tu memang sengaja buat 20 years backward. Rumah buluh, bilik air x berbumbung, xde coverage, sungai tapi letrik ade k...
Pastu kiteorng form group n ice breaking till 6
till 7 main sukaneka...

Saturday Night
Get ready for dinner n persembahan group... Dapat no3 hehe

Saturday Late Night
Sleep dalam kesejukan melampau di rumah panjang...

Sunday Morning
Take a bath, breakfast n go for jungle trekking... Masuk sungai n redah hutan about 2 hours,,, memang best sambil tengok pokok2. Route tu adalah yang paling senang rupenye tapi sume pun rase dah terlebih mencabar ketahanan kiteorang...

Sunday Noon
Mandi sungai yeaahaaaa.... Seronok yang amat. Air sejuk n deras, try hanyut2kan diri. Rakit pun ade...

Sunday Late Noon
Makan tengah hari n bertolak balik hehe... dapat naik bus baru ok

Sunday Evening
Stop kat R&R mane lupe, wait bus yg buruk tu tapi x sampai2 rupenye rosak n berasap lagi tengah jalan. kiteorang dihantar balik dulu ke uitm n that bus will patah balik take those yang tertinggal tu... kesian,,, kiteorang sampai dalam kul 5, n dengar kate diorang sampai nak kul 8 kot huhu...

Anyhow... its a great experience... don't ever quit in whatever you do. do the best n tawakkal for the result k =)


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