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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Alone Again Naturally"

i remember this song in ice age movie
when the nut been left by the squirrel
so tragic

ok the real story
just arrived at hostel
alone, coz my roomate still at he hometown

ely!!! enough playing
lets focus
you got a lot things to do


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

At Home


This is just a quick update,,

- go back to my hometown with my sis's family
- all the family gathered + grandma too

- going to the wedding ( near 1 )
- going to wedding at seremban ( far 1 )
( g zohor sampai sana asar, majlis pn dah habis hoho... )
( erge x nak isi minyak sampai berkelip2 warning )
( nasib boleh sampai pagoh isi penuh balik, sampai situ je maghrib dah )

- erge going back to wangsa maju
- parents n me going to parit raja to visit atok + uncle who was not well
- going to BP mai chepiao + rojak + kfc

- just open the laptop and update this entry
( sebelum tu dok ukur2 langsir ngan mak haha,,, )

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Busy Admin

This sem is the hectic semester i ever had
with lots of presentation to be done
have started making proposal for a project
ahhh it almost time for the end of semester
final exam will be coming soon
4 more lab reports to be done
+ 1 report for bel which is still 5% i guess urghhh!!!
this bel also have presentation too
practice ely practice...

i don't know what i have been spent for the previous time
my mistake i know
feel like want to quit actually...
i should do something
think positive ely
if everyone can so do i
manage your time properly
do what the most important think too

LI place ohh,,, 1 more
i really hope our application will be accepted

thats all i wanna say
pray for me to be success in this semester
i really hope i will grad very soon
but the journey was too tough to bear

tomorrow i will go back to my hometown
freeing my mind for a while
then START to FIGHT!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Someone's Birthday Is Today

Thanks to mama who concern so much
i am so sleepy till not remember at all
still on time i guess
but i am not the first to wish maybe
huhu why u no reply???

sleeping already kot...
skype not delivered too
or is it wrong day???
cannot be... i remember ok

em, alright maybe we should sleep now
and wait for tomorrow
sleep sleep sleep.....

oh cannot sleep...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lesson Of The Day 2


Pengajaran hari ini:
Jangan sesekali letakkan ubat cecair di dalam botol minuman yang tak berlabel di dalam peti ais

Ingatkan air teh!!! Rupanya ubat darah tinggi Oh nooo....
Dah selamat terminum dah, pahit la jugak sampai berangin perut dibuatnya
Nasib minum sikit, klu x turunlah darah den agaknyo hoho...

Sekian =_="

Huixiang le....!!!

10.30 - 12.30 - bel class
12.30 - 12.50 - go back to college
12.50 - 1.05 - packing
1.05 - 1.25 - rapid
1.25 - 1.50 - taxi
1.50 - 2.00 - wait bus in the rain
2.05 - 6.00 - se super
6.00 - 6.10 - mai chepiao
6.10 - 6.40 - bus maju
6.40 - 6.45 - ayah's car
6.45 - arrived safely at my home...

Wihout bkfast, without lunch...
Only with mineral water...
Alhamdulillah =) Mom n dad, im home....

Actually dah hari sabtu baru sedar rupenye mase balik semalam
ade seketul donat dalam beg lupa nak makan
huhu,,, x teringat langsung hehe...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Full Moon Again


hari ni ade 2 perkataan yang memusykilkan
bulan dan kawah
jet dan asap hehe

semua sila lihat bulan
sangat cantik

mengingatkan kepada lagu2 seperti...

... oh bulan ...

... malam bulan di pagar bintang ...

... malam bulan ditutup awan ...

... engkau laksana bulan ...

... bulan itu,,, bulan cinta ... (apeasal aq tau lg dangdut ni ish3)

Lesson Of The Day


next time when you go to take a bath
don't forget to bring along your key
if not haha here what had happen

nasibla emy kuar kejap je g amik makanan
kalau x habis la den mati kering kat luar bilik huhu

anyway, thanks to aiqa n aznie
wawawa so malu, tumpang bilik lepak jap

1st time ade orang cakap
ely nampak macam anak sulong sebab nampak tegas
sulong??? nampak tegas???
celah mane sulong n tegasnya den pon tatau...
waahhh tp, sukanya bila ade orang yang bagi pandangan berbeza

selama ni orang akan boleh agak yang den ni anak last
sebab........ tettt...... hehe
its ok everyone hae their own opinion

nk half n hour gak ely beramah mesra ngan jiran kan
akhirnya emy pun balik huhu...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

meet lao pengyou

meeting husna
besfren from dip aka x-roomate

dear husna
take care of yourself
may u stay healthy all the way
luv ya =)

Dear Moon... U r So Close to Earth =)

today,,, the moon was so close to earth
make it look bigger than usual
~talking to the moon~

see this link

fun n bright

a very colourful dinner
well organized event
cute door gift
nice decoration n foods
congrats to da junior 4 ur hard work
really2 nice lah,  better than us ~jeles~
nanti la bru letak pic nak siapkan draft proposal dulu da,,,

Wedding + Reunion

in the morning 5/5 went to ain umairah's wedding
b4 that sempat jugak teman cik mude yg mngidam tosei
memang terbaik lah kan
dengan tosei n kuah yang masin macam tumpah garam
dengan teh tarik yang manis macam tumpah gula
darah tinggi n kencing manis terus
pedas x ade lah pulak
manelah orang Malaysia x kena sakit mcm2 kan
tengoklah makanan kita...

then waiting for faie's rent car to arrive
tapi hantar kat hadia
mak oii,,, lambatnya cik abang...
dah la macam2 procedure kena buat
siap cop jari segala, rumit sungguh,,,

then barulah gerak ramai2
ke au2 tapi before that singgah jusco dulu beli hadiah
buat kad jusco kejap
thanks ye hadia,,, dpt card free =)

then to the wedding...
start kul 12 tp dtg kul 1 tp...
still x ramai guest lagi
maybe kat situ mmg sume dtg lmbt kot
2 lebih barulah pengantin muncul
3 terpaksalah kiteorang balik dulu ye
byk program mlm ni

at 24 years old
ramai member yang dah kahwin
yg dah ade anak pun ade juga
saye? hehe sabar ye, blum lg =)

b4 balik sempat singgah rumah yana lepak2
lepas tu penghantaran ke kl sentral
yang tersesat2 sampai ke cheras
harap la gps tu kan hehe
yg bc gps tu pun 1 jugak hoho
tape lepas ni tau dah jalan hihi

then wait for u80 with sue
borak2 dlm bus sampai la sampai  ke destinasi
penat kaki,,, rest dulu mlmnye ade dinner hoho...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Kelangsungan Hidup Seorang Mahasiswa

just got back from a motivational talk program
proposed by our own ayahanda =)
conducted by the person that i adore hehe
en firdaus d. from indonesia
he is an esq trainer
yang slalu dalam halaqah tu
yes that guy!

ok, klu dengar halaqah pun dh cukup sedih rasa nk nangis
inikan pula klu dah ade depan mate
berjurai-jurai air mata ha dibuatnya
sedih sangat huhu ;-(

thanks for that program
its really great to motivate and make us realize
who we really are???

we are just a very small and tiny and very2 tiny
from this whole universe
even the sun is small than other several big galaxies
Subhanallah... we are so kerdil

InsyaAllah cuba menjadi anak yang berjasa
dan umat yang berguna, amin

senyum + salam semut =D

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ego vs Best friend

which 1 gonna win???

dear best friend
your ego is worthless if you losing a best friend
so catch back your friend
before they gone
before they disappear
before they hate you forever...

give in doesn't mean losing
sometimes you are right
sometimes you are wrong
sometimes you are in between
neither right or wrong
maybe it just a misunderstanding
nobody is perfect
and we learn from mistakes

the real story...
i am not good in coax
nor a peacemaker
i am the middle
but sometimes when i am with one of you
i feel like i am the flint
but you both know
i just try to be neutral
i am so sorry...

so... it looks like we have been reunited again
so here we are...
IN + GD + SM + SO + TS are back!!!
love you all =)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Le Me with Pupu

Go to Sunway on Labor Day
Fitting... nope Fitting... nope
U r So complicated ely huhu