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Sunday, October 14, 2012


just finish 1citizen exam today
alhamdulillah i pass it hehe
so then the certificate will be post to my home yay!
(tapi katenye kene print sendiri je huhu yo2 je)

netizen? citizen?
whats the different?

ok lets do some research,
citizen is citizenship or nationality which means denoting a person's membership of nation
for example if parents are citizen of Malaysia so you are as their child (this is one concept example only, you may discover more)

netizen is the combination of citizen and internet term
which defined as an entity or person actively involve in online communities and a user of the internet especially an avid one - sources: uncle google k

so this program is exposing student on their knowledge related to internet, its usage, advantages and disadvantages and many more...

1 day module
1 day exam

now i just finish making a portfolio and ready to submit
there are many categories including video, poem, slide presentation but i choose to do this poster
its a competition actually so i hope i can win haha (berangan tinggi, lawanya idak)
the poster me + sha
ok or not?
bolela hoho

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