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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

For The First Time

alhamdulillah n seronoknya!!!
akhirnya tercapai gak impian nak bawak mak ayah gi jenjalan,
sendiri dengan kereta n i'm the one who drive =)
asalnya plan nak ajar ayah masuk keluar tol guna touch n go
tapi last2 sy je yg bawak kete
btw nervous gak ok nk touch takut x sampai je
ataupun terlanggar divider tu ke huhu

plan asal:
bangun pagi2 nak gi kolam air panas dekat bemban
lepas mandi, sarapan ape semua cek la internet
search map ke sane ok faham
sekali tengok operation hour tempat tu
closed on monday except public holiday

barang2 berkelah, baju, makanan, tikar, selipar sume siap
ayah siap basuh kereta berejam kot nak bagi bersih b4 jln
sekali tutup pulak kolam tu hari ni ha
x dapatlah ke sana
then carila tempat air panas yang lain,
gersik - dah boring sebab dah selalu
labis - agak jauh (baik g legoland alang2)
gadek - bukak tapi petang kul 3-7pm (nmpk cam kurang sambutan)

plan sekarang:
kebuntuan seketika sambil cari tempat lain untuk berekreasi
searching punye searching last2 decide ke sagil otw ke hutan lipur gunung ledang
tapi bile dh kat sagil ca, xde pe je, terus la ke gunung
memula dah salah masuk entrance tapi cam pelik je sebab alan lurus
kanan kiri pokok pisang
dah sudah, u-turn trus sbb cam xde orang keluar masuk
(mcm dlm mr bean holiday yang ade orang naik motor x sampai2 tu hi2)

akhirnya setelah salah belok sane sini sampai jugak
ke entrance yang betul
masuk kene bayar, kereta 2 hinggit, sorang singgit
x ramai sangat hari ni sebab isnin
tapi x lame ramai jugak ngan ada budak camping lagi

jom layan gambar
x naik sampai atas penat, ni pn x sampai suku perjalanan ase haha

konon nak minang puteri gunung ledang tapi x jumpa

kononya bakal mak ayah mertua puteri gunung ledang haha

mak cakap ni la puterinya (me) ayah cakap itu puteri salad (hahaha)
saya ckap puteri berendam banyak la (orang yg mandi manda tu)

kul 3.30 balik sebab dah gerimis
then balik hujan lebat jugak tapi certain tempat la

sempat singgah muar beli mee bandung tapi makan kat uamh, not bad

mission accomplish yay!

updated on 1/11/12
tetiba ade 1 blog ni cite pasal Puteri Gunung Ledang
kebetulan pulak
Rahsia di sebalik syarat peminangan PGL
silelah bace =)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Salam Aidiladha 2012

Alhamdulillah tahun ni dapat lagi sambut hari raya korban bersama family tersayang

apesal rupe dh macam najwa en latip ni ahaha pasan =P

tahun lepas agak sedih n x sambut sangat sebab mak ayah gi haji time tu
tahun ni, seronok sikit sebab kami buat korban lembu sekor untuk 1 family

scary enough??? sembelih kat bawah pokok jambu air ha... the process~

first time tengok depan mate betul2
slalu tengok gak tapi dari jauh
sebelum lembu tu dikorbankan

sempat gak bagi makan daun keledek kat dia, ni ngah berehat kat sebelah pokok serai
berselera makan ki3, n name dia ialah moomoo =) (sempat aku bagi name hiii...)

salam aidiladha
semoga amalan diberkati
serta dimurahkan rezeki

uncle bakir with muhammad
baby insyirah with her auntie nana - uncle aiman with danish n haikal

curious much...

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Happy Sunday

Bestnye hari ni sebab...
1. dapat jalan2 (walaupun smlm dh berjalan cr brg kat pas n mkn kat pkns ngan tasha)
hari ni teman akak sebab abg ipar saye ade tournament boling kat ioi mall puchong
seawal 9 lebih gerak sebab start kul 10
kedai lain 10 baru nak celik mate
breakfast dulu kat mcd baru jalan2
xde ape yang menarik so your money are safe haha
2. dapat main boling ngan akak (konon je malu tapi terrer jugak dia main tu siap Danish pun main sekali)
3. dapat makan dim-sum kat Restoran Mohd Chan Abdullah (first time ni try hoho sedapnye leh makan lagi n try cr resepi nak buat lah nanti2 hihi)
all are sponsored by jijie's family hahaha bahagia je rasa Alhamdulillah =)

too bad sume gambar kat tab diorang
yang ade gmbr dim sum je huhu

dim sum =)

Friday, October 19, 2012



Hai, This fruit once had an issue last 3 years
yes it just a banana

yang mana hujung yang mana pangkalnya...

one day during practical training at HSJ
there are bananas as our desert that day
then i took 1 banana and peel the skin as usual
suddenly my friend look at me in a weird glance
i said: why?
he said: oh that is how Johorian peel the skin of banana
(from the top not bottom)
i said: is it wrong? it supposedly peel from the top isn't it?
he said: no, from the bottom la
i said: ye ke, i don't care lalala (while eating the banana happily)
he is than act like peeling the banana from the top to make fun of me
arghhh stop it....

bukan macam ni ke? salah ae hehe...

is it true the correct way to peel it is from the bottom?
ok i admit it is easier to peel from the bottom
but on that day i peel it from the top because at the bottom is a bit dirty
so that is why i do like that
what i don't agree is he title my state instead of just me only

(kate aku je dh la x yh nak kate negeri aku, eh eh ni smgt assobiyyah ke hape hiii,
mane x nye time tu kite ade kat negeri orang kan so a bit sensitif la, btw great memories there miss PP aka black area lalala)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


just finish 1citizen exam today
alhamdulillah i pass it hehe
so then the certificate will be post to my home yay!
(tapi katenye kene print sendiri je huhu yo2 je)

netizen? citizen?
whats the different?

ok lets do some research,
citizen is citizenship or nationality which means denoting a person's membership of nation
for example if parents are citizen of Malaysia so you are as their child (this is one concept example only, you may discover more)

netizen is the combination of citizen and internet term
which defined as an entity or person actively involve in online communities and a user of the internet especially an avid one - sources: uncle google k

so this program is exposing student on their knowledge related to internet, its usage, advantages and disadvantages and many more...

1 day module
1 day exam

now i just finish making a portfolio and ready to submit
there are many categories including video, poem, slide presentation but i choose to do this poster
its a competition actually so i hope i can win haha (berangan tinggi, lawanya idak)
the poster me + sha
ok or not?
bolela hoho

Friday, October 12, 2012

Kisah Ader & Kertas Warna

Serius lawak Faradyable ni parodikan cerita star wars
tapi kalau tak lawak ikut korang la
reseptor lawak masing2 memang lain hehe
(x tau nk share ape sbb mls nk cite benda yg mentensionkan oleh itu mari ketawa sedikit)

Kisah Ader

Kertas Warna

mood: jangan bersedih =)
fb sekarang dh leh uat emoticon kat comment cool

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


kita hanya manusia biasa
Allah telah menentukan segalanya
terimalah takdir-Nya dengan redha
walaupun ianya mengundang duka

Alfatihah untuk mbah Patonah binti Hashim
yang telah kembali menemui Allah pada Ahad 7 Oktober 2012
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan
ditempatkan dengan orang2 yang beriman

Friday, October 5, 2012

A new Month A new Aim! (i guess)


last week i did not going back to my hometown
because the last two weeks i dh balik berturut2 kan
last weekend i just hangout with my sisters family
stay at her house and went to open house (dh hbs ry pn ade lagi ish3)

oh3! time is running so fast, its a new month already! its October Octopus hooo...

new moth with new aim?
new aim is i must run my project immediately
+ focusing on other subjects too (hopefully)
bergelumanglah i with that pile of my soil samples everyday
there's a lot a to be grind to be sieve, oh dear time please be nice with me 
because later on, i need to book that gamma spec early, if not huh i don't know what will happen
disaster maybe wawawa so afraid, but i must be positive right ok cool down for a while
just do your work and keep moving forward! keep making progress ye

its friday today and tomorrow i will be coming home mommy!
tomorrow is my father's birthday yang ke-68 years old
its sound too old but my father is quit awet muda la (orang kate but i have the same thought too)
happy birthday dad, may Allah bless u always and stay happy and healthy all the way
love you so much =) (what present should i bought, kasih sayang maybe hehe)

ok time to back to work
there is a lab report to be done
adios amigos