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Monday, December 31, 2012

The Kellie's Castle

Last Saturday
Yana, Husna and me went to Ipoh
to accompany Husna to her friend's wedding
start our journey at 11am and reach Ipoh around 1pm

on the way to perak

we visit the Kellie's Castle which is an unfinished castle
and it is a mysterious, unique n advance design of castle
want to know more, visit these link... because its telling the truth

1. Wikipedia - Istana Kellie
2. Blog - Kellie's Castle

at there we are waiting for our friends PM and Dude
aka firdaus and faiz, their nickname tu
because of them coming late, we went around Batu Gajah to eat cendol
so delicious, i swear but only the services not so good, less worker

Mr Cendol's cendol, so yummy =D

then after they arrived, we start our visit into the castle hoyeehh excited!
enjoy the view, and you can compare with the pics on the website above ya

at the entrance

the castle

yana n husna, at kellie's old house that had ruin caused by world war II

me n them dude (left) n PM (middle)

me look weird with teeth in pics arghh

the view

after walking around the castle and climb to the top of it
we are all burned and get tired

husna talking to aunt that hae chance to enter the secrete route =D

the night, going to wedding ceremony

Saturday, December 22, 2012



before the day of 17th Dec 2012
me and my project mate struggle with our own project
with the samples still running on machine
change the samples every 4 hours
not enough sleep and rest
got new title just 4 days before presentation day
that is why i am not deliver well during that day
maybe i am too nervous
but i know its my time to defend myself but
i cannot do it
the situation killed me
i cried just after get away from the stage
the panels are too cruel
asking questions like i have no option to answer
so ashamed when it comes to do it
in front of my own supervisor
i am sorry Dr for not doing well on it
but i still hoping A from you please
i still working on the writing
hope i can do better

(get back to work ely!... alright...)  


this date is not refer to dating
but a date which give a lot of meaning
to every person
depends on what is happening on that day
it might be your birthday
your engagement or wedding day
a day that you got lesson that you cannot forget
a day that you feel the most happiest things ever happen
anything any day

some day is not like the other ordinary day
the day one want some appreciation
some cares and some attention
but once its been forgotten
its means something
that can change everything
or rather might ruins the future
you guess...

whatever it is
just be positive and think positive
we cannot blame others before we know the reasons right?

keep on smiling
the best medicine ever! (^-,^)

Friday, December 21, 2012



wawawa... terharu sangat hari ni sebab diaorang buat surprise untuk saya
(T_T) nanges betul2 ok sebab Bel buat gimik speech terlampau
berpakat dengan Pupu x pedulikan saya hari ni
n buat saya menyampah dengan diorang sbb x layan
n buat hal sendiri masa nak gi MPG
rupenye Tasha n Wan pun tau tapi pura2 x tau je
sabo je la

MPG ok la best jugak sebab dapat makan
n x bertuah macam biasa
unik sikit sebab starting dengan mengaji ye alhamdulillah

feeling mcm retis kt red carpet AIM kan? ahaha


lepas MPG lagi best sebab ade orang nyanyikan B'day song
+ potong kek n bagi present

me n mummy

siyesly i really X10 appreciate it girls
love u all very much n really going to miss uols soon

pupu bg hadiah crystal ball with snowflakes n its a music globe
thanks3... thats all i can say =)

Thursday, December 20, 2012



what a day
hari jadi yg ade kelas n test
lepas present fyp isnin lepas
ade report2 + assignment kna siapkn
tonigt ade dinner mpg
jom bersiap
walaupun mcm dh x brape nk hepi
layan jela
"just enjoy the show" n smile

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Camping IPK at Gua Tempurung! Awesome!!!


Selepas beberapa minggu yang hectic n serabut,
even pada mulanya x excited sangat nak pergi,
tapi at the end camping ni memang sangat BEST!
thanks to all and congrats sebab berjaya buat program ni

Hari First - 8/12/12
Bertolak dah petang so sampai sangatla dah malam
tiba di dusun durian yang menunngu masa untuk gugur
gedebak gedebuk je sepanjang camping... COBAAN...
tapi En Mus mmg baik hati sangat
durian tu boleh je makan bila2 maybe sbb dah bayar
tuk site maybe + dengan durian punye price sekali
dan dia jugak bagi rambutan n buah kedondong
sampai Ustaz Moh Nor dah kenal mane pokok durian best n x
dia sampai2 dah makan durian
kami masak nasik, sbhagian lagi buat bbq
n sebahagian lagi pasang khemah
selesai bbq tidoq

Hari Second - 9/12/12
Pagi2 semua bangun n solat subuh sekali
gembiranya ade toilet even air on off n dari sungai
pagi tu pas breakfast tebas kawasan sebenar camping
mencari kayu api n pucuk paku
then terus ke Gua Tempurung jalan kaki
sangat jauh ye dari camp site mcm ade je 2 km
kaki dah penat sangat b4 masuk gua ha
lepas tu masuk kul 9 kami start masuk
dalam gua tu sangat2 best
pegi naik tangga keluar lalu laluan air
macam2 jadi especially Bel yang dah x larat sangat
kami yang escort siap tido sekali dalam gua rehat
seram jugak kat tempat yang curam
+ sliding yang agak bahaya
tapi best bile ade orang sambut, hihi kelakar
cuma cabaran last x dapat buat tuk slide + lalu lubang
atas sebab2 tertentu n sebab sy nak dengan kwn2 saya
huhu, tapi tape ok je, janji semua selamat kan,,,
balik tu berhujan jalan sambil kutip kayu api
masak tengahari tapi makan kul 5 lebih
kelakarnya tak cukup tapi En.Mus top-up
dengan nasi kat umah dia bawak pakai baldi
last2 kantoi dengan ustaz
lepas makan malam lepas isyak terus tido
malam ade solo n group drop
best n takut jugak but asalkan mata tertutup
yakinlah selamat sbb ade orang guide huhu
pastu tido n bangun qiamullail + solat subuh

Hari Ketiga - 10/12/12
Lupa hari ni hari jadi Dage, hari ni bru wish
pagi pas breakfast gi memancing
SERONOK sangat sebab first time mancing n dapat IKAN

ustaz, me, pupu, bel n azan, tasha yg amik gmbr

satu terlepas so dapatlah satu pun jadilah
kami berempat + Azan n Ustaz n kdg2 Abyn
yang kelakanya tasik cetek nampak ikan
tapi ikan tu confuse nak makan x umpan
Ustaz punya umpan banyak kali kena makan tapi x dpt2 ikannya
Azan memang x dapat tapi ade jugak la ikan mkn umpan dia
nasib diorang z geli pegang cacing, i tukang pancing je
lepas dah fed up balik siap2 n makan tengahari
Rumusan Akhir n berkemas balik
sempat singgah pintu masuk Gua Tempurung amik gambar
sebab semalam x bawak camera
balik x sedar semua tido tau2 dah sampai Rawang
sampai kole maghrin n the end...
alhamdulillah selesai sudah camping

jom selesaikan perkara lain pulak
sekian =D

Sunday, December 2, 2012

~ Shopaholic ~


shopping is really a good therapy
isn't it? especially for girls
are you agree???
me = strongly agree
because i am a girl lalala
when it comes to my mom n me
the the money will flow like a river
but it is not for unnecessary things
its really a shopping for daily life use
"i guess" hihi

if you can't bought it (things u like)
then it will be called as window shopping
then go through the door for going back
because of not buying anything, sigh"

and the best part for this week are...
i bought the cactus already!
all of them are so cute

thanks mom for spending time with me
accompanying me even u tired
and when it time for me to forget a little while
my problems huhu
love u mom + dad
for letting me borrow your car hihi

last night was the match of Mas vs Ina
and Mas win 2-0 for qualifying to semi final Piala AFF 2012
great game especially for 25 haha go Z ^-^v