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Monday, April 15, 2013

Its Been A While

Assalamualaikum readers...

lama sangat sudah tidak update blog ni
sungguh takde mood nak menulis mungkin @
it means xde peristiwa menarik yang berlaku @
line tenet dah kena block sbb tu xleh nk on9 haha

There are so many things had happen since my last post
sudah sebulan kot macam2 sudah jadi pada dunia ini

Ada 3 perkara yang nak di highlight, 1-kerjaya 2-kawan2 3-kehatian haha (apa punya perkataan baru da...)

1- kerja ya?
- i had 1 interview with a Chinese company but failed
- i don't know what issue that make me unsuitable for the job which is actually mmg x sesuai pn
- i didn't passed because i think the salary was ridiculous which i actually don't mind about it but as a lesson, once you feel doubt with the offer from the company, you actually won't get or suit to that job
- the boss think i am just trading and will leave the company sooner or later after being hired, they don't want to take risk and spend a lot to train new comers
- i do feel regret when they delay the answer for me to work there or not for almost a week and then they said that they already hired other person, what??
- okay what ever it is maybe it was just takde rezeki nak kerja kat situ so redha lah dengan ketentuanNya
- learn from mistakes ok? OKAY!
- at the moment i am doing this...

make cookies for hari raya soon...

2 - kawan2
- having fun on 6th April when we do road trip to Kuantan for our friend's wedding
- it tooks 4 hour travel and lots of things happen on the road
- but its really great to spend the whole weekend with them
- mase pergi tasha drive and balik saya drive
- kesesatan jalan telah membawa kepada pembaziran wang di tol ok
- sampai lambat ke rumah penganti tapi nasib baik masih ade nasikkk, kami lapar!!!
- pastu gi teluk cempedak menikmati senja di sana, x jejak kaki di air pun sebab sudah maghrib
- sebelum g shah alam g nilai dulu sebab abg cik pindah rumah sambil menyelam minum air la ni
- i love my bestfriend very much, maybe we just different in appearance but our hearts are still the same =)

kak mekna's wedding dengan bau yang comel!!! tapi dia sudah bukak crown and veil nya masa kami tiba...

captured by tiqah tq! melihat itu tanglung berterbangan, cantik sangat!!

curik ini gambar di istagram kamu sha hehe, mereka menghantar saya di terminal bas sek 11 s.alam, thanks!!! selepas breakfast gitu... =)

3 - kehatian
- mahu cakap apa pasal ini?
- sudah ada berita gembira kah?
- kalau retis harus la cakap "kami masih dalam proses mengenali hati budi masing2" --> ayat cover line gitu
- @ pun "kalau ada jodoh in sha Allah... doakan kami" --> retis sangat
- apa yang saya nak cakap pulak? "no comment" --> retis jugak la bajetnya..
- i just hope for the best of what Allah had planned for me, keep faith and keep on pray to Allah
- i have decided and hope that my choice is the best for me and future...

at the moment?
- main game sugar candy crush sama itu smurf's village
- texting
- working
- cubie-ing, we chat-ing, line-ing
- home improvement
- oh ya ready for my conocation on 12th May soon wohoo...

Alhamdulillah even x dpt 1st class, dpt 1 * pun jadilah hoyeaahhh!!!

- bela secara x sengaja TOKU yang suka datang umah mintak makan hehe

toku kucing yang dah berumur, malu2 pulak nk amik gambo ha, haha =D

itu sajalah yang mampu dicoretkan ye
Wassalam... Have a nice day =)

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