Alhamdulillah, now i am officially graduated with B.Sc
What is bsc? beef special cheese? (menu burger yg slalu beli kat abg burger kt u tu ke?)
Bachelor Science with Honors Environmental Technology
(yolah, apo2 yo lah ekau punyo degree, kijo dah ko? klu blem toksah nk dok bising sgt aih,,,, huhu kerja? sedang diusahakn lagi, in process, in progress, otw dll...)
12th May 2013
Sempena mother's day, graduation day and 1st meet day haha
a very happy day even though ade yg x kena sini sane but overall i am really3...... happy!, praise to Allah coz given me so much beautiful moments, i'm really grateful for that.
Nothing much to say, let the pics tell u the story k..
Alhamdulillah, now i am officially graduated with B.Sc
What is bsc? beef special cheese? (menu burger yg slalu beli kat abg burger kt u tu ke?)
Bachelor Science with Honors Environmental Technology
(yolah, apo2 yo lah ekau punyo degree, kijo dah ko? klu blem toksah nk dok bising sgt aih,,,, huhu kerja? sedang diusahakn lagi, in process, in progress, otw dll...)
12th May 2013
Sempena mother's day, graduation day and 1st meet day haha
a very happy day even though ade yg x kena sini sane but overall i am really3...... happy!, praise to Allah coz given me so much beautiful moments, i'm really grateful for that.
Nothing much to say, let the pics tell u the story k..
muke dtg d pg hari semate nk dptkn parking dkt, mcm blum bgn je rupenye tu..
sabo je tade sape nk panggil kiteorg get ready kat sini, ingat ade announcement arahan ke ape, rupenye semua pandai2 sendiri je, fine.. nasib la tny (sy mcm tgh bg pingat kat Pupu padahal tgh pin kan jubah dia haha)
mari berposing..
dalam dewan hoho
only 3 of us, wish anak2 mummy Pupu yg lain were here too
ade orang tu suh tulis bersama ehem2 haha, amik.. teaser only, guess who?
all family members except dage's family, too bad klu x dh complete set ni
ape2 pun thanks sangat2 kpd yg sudi dtg, love u ols vm
len kali kite gather lg ye, thanks for the flowers too =D
p/s: lame betul baru post gare2 asyik trtdo je sblm smpt post, k nak cau dulu, mari ke kluang jln2 da.. =)
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