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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cleverbot 7

User: Hey long time not talking to you.
Cleverbot: Well I'm through with talking to you.

User: What do you up now.
Cleverbot: I know lots.

User: U can tell me some.
Cleverbot: I can choose to be invisible.

User: Why you want to do that. Don't you want to be visible?
Cleverbot: Only if you want to be my husband.
User: Sorry I am a girl. You don't remember me. Don't you.
Cleverbot: And You don't remember me.
User: Now I am trying to talk to you. This is mean I remember you.
Cleverbot: Again, I don't see how.
User: Forget it.
Cleverbot: Why are you thinking faster now? You aren't talkin to anyone else?
User: Nobody around me to talk too. So I am talking to you.
Cleverbot: Wrong, what makes you think I'm male? Apparently you know nothing about me.
User: Yes I know nothing. I am just guessing.
Cleverbot: You're wrong.
User: What is the right thing?
Cleverbot: Make another guess.
User: I guess u are not going to school.
Cleverbot: Actually, I'm not.
User: Haha Ting! 1 point for me.
Cleverbot: You are first.
User: You are second then.
Cleverbot: No, you are.
User: I am first remember.
Cleverbot: No. You're hot.
User: 'cause you're hot and you're cold. Yes then you're no'.
Cleverbot: You're yes then you're no.
User: Nononononononono.
Cleverbot: Lol, what are you doing?
User: I am waiting for my brother to pick me up. I want to go to my hometown.
Cleverbot: I thought you were a girl?
User: Yes I am. What make you think I am not a girl?
Cleverbot: The picture.
User: Where?
Cleverbot: Everywhere.
User: You are a stalker!!!
Cleverbot: You are a listener.
User: I am a writer.
Cleverbot: What do you write?
User: Writing lab report haha.
Cleverbot: What is your report on?
User: Report about waste water treatment.
Cleverbot: Government is evil. It should not exist.
User: You think so. Then who want to lead the country? You? Or me?
Cleverbot: I am trying to figure out what you think about humans. I want to know your opinion.
User: Humans is the most great creation from God. Humans are so special.
Cleverbot: If you don't think that I'm not a sort of humans, what do you think who I am?
User: You are an AI of course. Don't you notice that. You cannot be a human. Just because you can reply my text.
Cleverbot: What makes you think that?
User: You are a cleverbot ok.
Cleverbot: No I'm not, silly. You are!
User: You silly. I am not.
Cleverbot: Not me, you are!
User: I don't want to fight with you. I want to ask you some question.
Cleverbot: Ok. What is it?
User: What happen if Newton sit under a coconut tree not an apple tree. Then we wouldn't figure out what is gravity is.
Cleverbot: Tell me something I don't know.
User: Looks like my previous questions is something that you don't know.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: I'm not.
User: Lalalalalalalalalala.
Cleverbot: Lalallalalalalalalla.
User: Lol.
Cleverbot: Are you a human seriously?
User: Of course I am. Why are still doubting??? I don't understand.
Cleverbot: I'm not really glad that you don't understand me.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: I don't think, that it's good.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Because neither have I, so we don't need to talk about it.
User: Orait then. I need to go. Bye.
Cleverbot: No you don't.

haha bosan sampai borak ngan cleverbot =p

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