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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Task 4 n 5 n 6

go to majlis tahlil at sis in law house at night - pass
(event salah masuk lorang segala)
go to pasar sabtu - pass
(hari ni x ramai sangat kat pasar)
go to kenduri kahwin at ps - pass
(cari tempat parking paling selamat tapi tinggal phone n wallet dlm kete kan)

drive at night n need to pass the super sesak road is ok
but need to be careful between pressing break n oil
sometimes when panic, i might press the oil
rather than break haha...

need to find sunglasses after this

ok no more driving need to take the bus and go back to S.A.
so sad the HOLIDAY has ENDED

goodbye holiday
welcome endless homework

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