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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Tiring Day


Today, i have class at 8.30 til 9.30 am at DK Alfa
my aim for today is to grind my soil sample at agricultural lab
after that class, i took the bus at Seroja bus stop to go to Section 2
buying some plastic bags for my soil sample and marker pen at Maria's shop
then, going back to campus by stopping at Cempaka bus stop
to go to Lab 401 at Block B
then, i took some sample there to bring it to Agriculture lab at Block A
it is quit heavy you know, about 21 small bags = around 10+ kg i guess

unfortunately, when i reach there,
the one Miss who should be in charge in that lab was not there
i don't know where she goes and i don't have her phone number
yesterday, i have talk to her and book the lab to use the grinder
yes! it is my fault for not asking her phone number before
yet, i do ask her name but when i ask en zamri, he said "no one here with that name"
oh man!.... are you kidding me??? sigh! =_=''
en zamri who was sit beside her desk don't have any clue about her
i asked him for her phone number but...
our conversation had turn into funny things
he said that "why should i have her phone number? later she thought i want to try her"
what???? en zamri!!! oh please... this is about works ok,
just do it as professional purpose la
if in certain time like this, you can give her phone number to someone like me
who was try to find her really badly, aduh! sabo je la...
but, whether she waas there or not,
i still cannot use it because that lab had problem with the electricity
and the technician are still not coming yet to fix it

ok now, seems like my plan had ruin already
and i called pn nurul which that Miss replace can't be reachable
i cannot proceed my works and i have to wait there like what???
ok then, I've made a decision by leaving my sample there but with label
i'm going back to lab 401 at Block B + sempat singgah cafe beli cucuk2
plan again and ikat2 sample yang terbengkalai tu
after that i'm going back to college
oh yes, before that i went to library at PTAR 1,
surfing internet to find infomation for my assignment
that need to submit by this Friday
after finish, i go to Seroja bus stop again and took the bus to DC

i don't know how much step that i have taken
i don't know how many miles i have travel
right now on, i just miss my lab partner huhu...
hurry up, come back to reality!!! wawawa

i just bought a new scarf at DC hehe 2 ok, lepas geram haha
+ buying some food to eat lalala

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