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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Wish to all of u happy new year!!!, i hope to become a better person, more matured (i think i'm too childish - or i perasan je kan... haha) success in life (go on with my degree, n finish it with flying colors) and finding or waiting for Mr Right (is that need??? just kidding,,,, maybe its the time or actually not yet =P i don't know) hehe... Go Ely go!!! U can do it =) 


J-elly Beans!!!

ok, nk cite sikit pasal this girl named Kina Grannis, she is Japanese American, patutla muke cam Asian skit, suare dia peh sedap,,, n mcm mane nk tercari pasal dia sebab lagu dia In Your Arms ni la,,, mase tu kat McD n dengar la lagu ni sedap, oleh kerana x tau lg ape n tjauk lagu ape, Ely pn type la sekerat lirik dia dlm phone, siap salah lirik lg, then cari jumpe la lagu ni... Why my tajuk is Jelly Beans??? ape kene mengenanye? Jelly beans telah digunakan sebanyak 288,000 biji n dibuatnye video ni selama 22 months, almost 2 years,,, wow n amazing la sape yg buat susun jelly2 tu, check this video out...

(best kan, kreatif n susah2 je,,, but sgt cool la)

(yg ni pn best jgk,,,,!!! tgk ladybird tu...)

lelaki ni name David Choi, dia ni pulak Korean American, sedap jugak suare dia n both of them mmg very talented, em suke3... good combination, the song pn sweet too, The Way You Are =)

Takde Air???

Macam ni ceritanya, tadi pagi g la bilik air n nampak kertas kale kuning yg attractive kalenye kt board. Bacalah sekali lalu, then oh ade nak betulkan tangki, em ok (x bc sampai habis...) Tengahari td g la turun lif nak p beli makanan. Eh ade lagi kertas kuning ni (rs mcm diri dihantui kertas itu), Sekali baca sampai habis, hah takde air sampai 1 hb 1, abistu nk kene simpan air sendiri... Allah, baldi dah la kecik kui3,,, cemano nk cukup sehari eh... ha ni dio mambang kuning tu...

(Kalau pihak koleh nak sediakan tong air besar2 ke ok la, yg kelaka siap pesanan tuk elak nyamuk aedes tu,,,)

Maka setelah berfikir panjang sama ade nk balik umah akak atau stay n survive je kat sini maka sy membuat kptsn tuk stay je sbb klu balik takut x stdy, lg bnyk cobaannye. Nasib baik ade simpan byk botol kosong sebab nk recycle, ni la jadinya...

(Baldi biru ni Tasha punya, yg blakang dia tu Ely pny, alahai tomeinye,,, huk3)

(Yang kecik2 pn isi jgk, yg sedang pn ade kt lg 1 plastik, bak kate Tasha yg kecik buat gosok gigi hehe btui jgk,,,)

(Yang besar ye, siap tulis name takut orang amik, tapi last2 angkut bwk masuk bilik, lagi selamat =))

Persiapan dah ready, tinggal wait takde air je, tp klu ade air lg la bagus, mungkin esok baru org2 itu bekerja kot,,,, em, wait n see jelah...

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Tengah dok study, terlihatla white board yg kosong, rase nk conteng,,, akhirnya...

(All subjects that i take this semester)

I hope to pass all the subjects with flying colors, amin,,, =)

On My Playlist

Ok these 2 song was so cool, try listen ae, super like Joe Brooks n Cristina Perri =)

Joe Brooks - Holes Inside
(find the shark!)

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
(OST Twilight - Breaking Dawn)

Final Exam

Yup... now its already study week time n i need to revise n study 6 subjects for my final exam this sem, i hope i can do the best n may i pass all the subjects n get good result. But my exam timetable is not so helpful...

4/1/12 - CTU (need to remember history things that i'm not actually like n good at it, its in Malay n the words was lengthy2 punye)
11/1/12 - Emission (yg ni ade 7 je topic tp agak scary la jugak, sbb x fhm sgt hehe, alasan...)
12/1/12 - RS (ooo... this is the toughest subject for me even i like anything related to computer but not this 1, a bit stress in this subject but i hope i can catch up back)
16/1/12 - Solid Waste (during lesson is okay but during its test i cannot do it well, but this is one of the interesting subject this sem, i hope i can do it, yeay!)
17/1/12 - ESM (ok this subject had lots of topics, but i try to do my best, n i hope the lecture will mark my paper correctly huhu)
20/1/12 - Water (ok this is the last paper, this subject was quit interesting, and become last paper i hope i can still focus rather than focusing to the paper huhu...)

Anyhow, GOOD LUCK FOR ME and others who will tke the exam... Chaiyok2!

Ok jom study =)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home (^_^)

last Friday kul 9.30 adela perjumpaan PP (Project proposal), g la n hbs dlm kul 10 lbh je, gitu gini uruskan bajet trip n jupe lecturer psl supervisor sampai la kul 12 bru grak blik ke klj. aq ni nk blik kg ke x still nk blik tp bdn mcm x nk grak cpt je, dh la hr jumaat nk dpt bus kuar kn susah sbb sume pn g solat jumaat tp still grak gak bwk lapy n notes kuar dr kolej kul1. FYI tiket bus x bli lg, mcm biase kes redah je pn bermula la...

kuar dr kolej alhamdulillah ade gak bus 603 ke seksyen 2, turun2 kt seksyen 2 trus ke taxi pny tmpt bersama dgn 2 org dak pempuan yg bwk beg n so obvious rupe nk blik kg nye n surely same destination with me seksyen 17, dtg je taxi kiteorang sume pn naik la 4 org, sorang lg nk g ktm. sampai2 dak yg sorg ni byr, then ely nk byr la, tgk meter rm6 bg la dia rm5 n rm1, skali dia amik rm1 je rm5 dia pulangkan, em alhamdulillah la byr skit jek hehe, maybe dak tu dh by lbh kot...

trus la ke kaunter s.e.super tny kt miss india ni, tiket batu bahat hr ni ade x, dia kate habis (dlm hati n im my mind dah agak dah, n mmg no wonder hujung minggu ni krismas sbb tu ramai cuti) tp tunggula kalu ade kosong, (dlm hati hrp2la ade n harapan ade 70%). kul 1.40 mase tu n pk, g solat dulu la kul 2 pth balik situ la wait bus sampai, nk g trans wait dlu klu x de btul kul 2 bru g sane sbb bas trans kul 3, lps solat g bli air tertonggokla sy di dpn kaunter. bus dtg ikutla miss india tu g bus n tny kt uncle yg mmg slalu bwk bus ade 0 x, dia kate naik, tp tiket mhl skit rm25 klu x 23.40 je. miss tu ckp kesian la ini bdk sekolah saja (hehe mude lg la rupe aq mcm dak sek asrama agaknye, prasan)

uncle tu ckp dok cni, seat blah kiri depan skali tmpt co-drive, kaki kene dok di atas sbb ade para n x leh bukak, bersila n melunjur la aq kt ctu, nk uat cane jnj dpt blik. abg ngah ksian btul kene chicken pox pulak n mc 10 hr, klu x leh blik ngan dia jek,,, pning jugak dok dpn rase cam memandu, then tgk uncle tu bwk mcm ngantuk je, em x yah tgkla, baik tdo je huhu (pdhl risau =p). sampai2 parit besar m call, kuat sgt instinct dia n xleh nk tipu, kantoi la d ctu yg anak dia balik, sampai bp kul 6.30 mcm tu trus cr tiket bus, se super hbs n org kaunter tu ckp g la tgk kt trans, ok g trans alhamdulillah ade tiket tu isnin 26 hb, kul 12.30 tgh hr. nsb bek ada klu x naya la,

then trus g ke dlm tgk bus tongkang pechah tuk ke kg, nmpak la bus sampai n trus naik, then smpai dlm kul 7.30 ma amik nek motor... syukur sumenye slmt, bestnye dpt balik, another 1 day more, need to spend my time wisely here, b4 the becoming test n final exam, good luck 4 myself, with then,
sayonara... =)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Happy Birthday To Me

Eh suddenly bunyi siren pulak kat Kolej Melati ni. Apehal??? Nak prank ape... Actually dulu selalu teringin nak time bday same ngan time sekolah... Sebab ape? sbb rase mcm seronok je g school sume org pun tau n wish b'day. Rase menarik la... And after more than 20 years (yeah, i'm old already rupenye) barulah rase cemane "best" nye sambut b'day time blaja

What did i feel right now??? ok serius x seronok sebab tomorrow de test n kene submit report, lusa ade presentation 2 like what??? tension ok. haha... tapi ape2 pun at least ely ade kngn la sambut b'day time blaja. Last year is like agak seronok sebab tgh buat skp (skim khidmat pelajar) n sambut with my sister's family n abg ngah.

tolongla esok jgn ade org kenekan ely. maybe tu wishfull thinking e sbb sume org pn bz nk study tuk test... ok takleh tulis byk2 nk sambung study. Happy birthday to me, n thanks to all yg wish (padahal baru sape je wish hehe). i hope i will become more matured person (sbb still rs diri kebudak2an or aq e yg perasan), nk improve diri to become better person, hardworking, pandai bhg mase (in study sbb bru sdr diri pmls ae...) n good luck to myself 4 the becoming exam final 4th january till 20th. 6 papers ye i take.

Not to forget, thanks to my mom, she's the who give me birth and had sacrifice everything for me, throughout all my life. love u mom, n my dad too...

Jom smbg study... (so, boring, eh fire alarm apesal x benti2 ni???)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Moon???

Eh ni tajuk cite Twilight kah? No3,,, hari ni dunia boleh saksikan keadian gerhana bulan penuh ye, tapi memandangkan hujan skrg, hny boleh adi pungguk rindukan bulan jela. Jom tenung gambar bulan sampai tembus hehe... Oh Bulan... (sambil nyanyi lagu Yuna pun Boleh...) 

Mak n Ayah + Banjir + Mozza Burger + Trip

Alhamdulillah,,, hari khamis lepas mak n ayah dah selamat sampai rumah selepas selesai menunaikan ibadah haji di Makkah. Seronok betul dapat jupe balik, lepas dah sume rindu hehe... Tapi oleh kerana dis week sgt teramat bz nye, Ely balik kejap je Khamis mlm sampai Jumaat petang dah bertolak balik Shah Alam semula...

Hari Khamis tu lepas Listening Test Mandarin kul 12 nak g la kelas Solid 12.30. Sekali takde kelas, peh seronok boleh la balik cepat tapi kat luaq tu hujang lebat yg amat n angin kuat betul. Redah la jugak sebab nak balik punya pasal. Rupe2nya kat pintu seksyen 7 dalam UiTM banir kilat. MasyaAllah byk jugak kereta yang tenggelam sebab air sampai paras lutut kot.

Boleh baca kat link ni -->

Sampai2 Seksyen 17, terus beli tiket kul 2. Sampai BP kul 6 tapi bas lambat sangat tuk ke kampung. Last2 Abg Ngah datang amik. Semua pun dah ade kat rumah. Seronok dapat ole2 dari sana. Paling best dpt minum air zamzam, manisan2, kurma dan kacang2 mak ayah beli dari sana. Cukupla tuk jamu kwn2 mak n ayah yang x putus2 datang.

Jumaat lepas Zuhur hantar Haikal pegi urut kat umah 'Nenek' (Panggilan biase untuk orang tua yang reti mengurut dan ubatkan budak2 kecik yg demam). Then petang tu b4 balik sempatla betulkan hp ayah n beli telefon umah yg baru sbb dah rosak. All sponsored by Abg Ngah. Sempat jugak patah balik g hantar hp n telefon n amik kunci Abg Chik yg tertinggal sbb dia dah balik dulu. T Abg Ngah akan pass pade dia la Ahad t.

Kul 6 lebih nak maghrib jugak la baru oficially gerak ke Shah Alam. Benti makan kat Air Keroh Hentian Jejantas tu bengang giler ngan staf A&W sebab salah amik order dan menyebabkan kiteorang tunggu lame Mozza Burger. Dia kate ''order Chiken burger blablabla...'' Ely ckp "ape chicken? Mozza Burger!'' then terus ade siap pun. Apeda menunggu order yg salah. Dpt terus bla bengang kot. Makan jugak dlm kete sebab lapar huh. Xmo g lagi buat ms terdekat...

(Bende ni la yg buat aq bengang huhu... =()

Samapi kat Seremban huan lebat, nk slide kete sbb ln licin n byk air. Terus bwk slow je risau sbb pakai kete kakak. Tapi lepas dari tmpt tu x ujan pun. Sampai kole kul 10.30 then punya la em nak ke Seksyen 7 tu, dah pelik dah apehal. Sekali kenela tahan ngan Guard kat pintu tu Abg Ngah pn kenela tinggal dokumen diri. Then pelik sebab Polis UiTM ngah uat road block depan Melati and tgh buat operasi. Ely mcm eh ape yg berlaku ni, kalau ade polis tahan n check kad mtrix segala mesti de kes besar. Cuak sekejap.

Sampai bilik wait Emy, batulah tau cite sebenar ade kete hilang tu yg dia uat 'spot check'. Tapela yg penting dah selamat sampai n rest pe sume letih. Esoknye (Pagi tadi) pergilah ke Sungai Bernam utk Trip Water. Seronok wlupun sungai kotor n x leh mandi. Tapi dapat makan durian n rambutan (maggis x dpt dah abis...)  kat rumah Kak Syu. Asal bas gerak je tido pegi balik same je mcm kene sumpah tido haha... kul 4 lebih mcm tu sampaila UiTM. Panas sungguh mase trip td. Tapi bile sampai kolej je hujan selebatnya. Nasibla dah beli mknn pe sume... Ok sok kene bangun awal tuk Trip Solid Waste ke Penang pulak (tempat yg penah jd 'black area' Ely hehe...)

Penang here i come....


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

~ Bad Day ~


Hari ni bangun pagi2 kene berkumpul kat Pusat Inovasi jam 7.30. Siap awal dah tapi oleh kerana minum Meilu di awal maka, lantas ke toilet akibat sakit perut. Siap2 terus gi sane berkumpul dan bertolak ke Klang. Everything seems to be ok kan mula2. Sume pun best je. Kiteorang pergi melawat Pusat Janakuasa Elektrik TNB di Connaught Bridge.

Samai2 briefing then site visit. Kene pakai PPE like helmet dan juga Ear Plug juga sebab bising kat sana. Kemudian makan pada pukul 10 tu not bad sebab ade popia sambal yang sangat sedap. Balik dalam kul 12 then g DC beli makana dan Pupu n Anis nak lepak bilik sebab nk g fact balik uruskan trip. Unfortunately KUNCI TERTINGGAL kat dalam bilik. So sume org pn x leh masuk n i like lost my mood, no appetite so on. I just can't accept what have i done because forget to bring that important thing adoi...

Tapi redha jela. Yang penting tomorrow nak blik kampung jumpe mak ayah balik dr Madinah. Miss them so much. Hope ade la tiket bus amin...

Big Girls Don't Cry (-_-)''

Today is like a very moody and tension day. I think I lost my receptor of smiling. It feels like i want to throw away the anger to anyone around me. If you, are the type of person  that hiding your anger when in front of others and also a good actor like shows to everyone the face of like you don't have any problem,,,, arghhh... SO when, the things in mind had been distorted enough its like a bomb in myself that waiting to explode. But in the end only tears come out ok, in front of my cute friend miss b. Thanks for being understanding, i really appreciate it so much. Its kind of relief now.

Actually the unsatisfactory  of my own self had make me feeling insecure. It is, like me being so busy, finishing assignment, go to class and so ever until i have no time to rest. The things that i hate most is can't finished my homework on or before time. Everyday is like wake up n going to faculty as early in the morning and come back again at night. Like what???. I'm so jealous with my roomate whose look so really relax all days. She is sleeping and resting when i go or come back after class. Arghh,,, so jealous ok. Everyone have 24 hours but why my time was not enough... oh curse u timetable...

Calm down Ely calm down. You can do this. Please be patient a bit. But seriously Alhamdulillah that today's test wast open book test and the other one test this becoming Thursday was Take Home Test hehehe. And during lunch hour before my mom from Madinah was calling. She is like want to call my sister and brothers but she cannot reach them except me. What a miracle God and i said that yes mom u should call me at the moment because i really need to talk to you at that situation. So relief too.

Now i was actually was eating the ikan bilis goreng because my stored foods was finished and nothing left to be eaten more except milo sachet of 3 in 1. SO hungry right now and tomorrow i really need to buy something huhu...

Moral of the story: "Smile always" and try to take things mot too serious and relax. Peace... (0-,0)v

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bilik Tercantik???


Tetiba hari ni dapat rezeki menang bilik tercantik, no 1 untuk blok plak tu hehe... (celah mane tah kemasnya, terguling2 gelak bile roomate cakap bilik sendiri menang, macam x caya je) Jangan ade org datang pertikaikan kemenangan sudeh hehe...

Kiteorang dapat hadiah pewangi bilik Air Wick, 2 cadar baru, file folder ngan book holder. (Banyak jugak kan) Kiteorang sebenarnya cume ade 1 request je, hadiah tu sume x penting, yang penting sem depan pastikan kiteorang dapat tempat tuk kolej lagi huhu... Dah la kupon bru de 7 jek kui3... Sungguh x aktif Ely sem ni... Adoi...

Anyway cube tgk sikit bilik ni kemas x...? em,,,

(kemas kot haha perasan... =P)

(Bestnye hadiah, x kisah la murah ke mahal, dapat present mesti seronok kn...)

Maka lepas ni silalah maintain kekemasan dan kecerian tu yek. Jangan orang masuk bilik datang karang cakap (Macam x patut menang je, haha malu tau... )

Amalkan 5S - Susun, Sisih, Sapu, Seragam, Sentiasa Amal
Practice 5S - Sort, Strengthen, Sustain, Sweep, Standardize
Bukan 5S yang ni - Simpan, Sepah, Serabut, Sentiasa Malas, Sukahati kau je kan hahaha...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

~ Broken A Thousand ~

Shila Amzah - Patah Seribu

Nice song from her =)

Philosophy (~0~)v


Everytime dengar perkataan ni rase nervous... Sebab ape? Sebab setiap kali kelas Dr S ni aemua orang pun kene present. Lepas tu sume orang yang active pun jadi passive x semena. Tapi menarik sebenarnye kelas ni. Bagi brainwash sikit once a week kan,,, Bile tanya pasal current issues sume pun pakat cuak kan. Dibuatnya terlupa baca paper terus lost la dalam kelas tu. Adehh... (0-0)''

Last time separuh kelas baikot x mo datang sebab mostly x buat homework. Yang bestnye Dr sendiri tanya "ok, mane kawan awak yang lain ni, x dtg, boikot ke???" Kiteorang dalam hati "peh tau dah ke, mungkin sebelum ni penah adi cam ni kan hehehe"

Last lesson we learn about "Philosophy of life" What is yours? For me, i have create one during the class:
Don't lie if you don't want to be cheated
Don't give up if you want to be success
Don't make things complicated if you want it to be simple
So, think positive and believe in yourself

Song title and the lyric that i like
By Kris Allen --> Live like we're dying

But anyhow Dr S is the best. He is a writer too beside from preparing speech for orang2 besar macam tu. He is so an experienced person.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Felda Tekam Residence

At last, the seksa of handling dinner program had been released. Thank God Alhamdulillah. But sincerely, this 3 days 2 night have both pros and contrast. It depends on individuality to evaluate it. For me overall, this programs is good because it makes the ETES family closer and make everybody to be known each other well.

The best thing and precious experience is when we go for the Cave Exploration at Gua Angin and Gua Sanding. I was amazed because i have never been to cave before. The place was superb and have its own unique and mystery story behind it.

For the dinner session that being handled by our Part. It is a good experience and lesson for us too. Me, as the committee for the food section not so happy la because everybody have limits for their food because its just enough for everyone and the menu is not so interesting for dinner purpose. But the best thing that i like is the Guest Tree that made by me n my members. See... nice right, i love it so much!!!

Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill (BTSL)

Hearing the name of landfill, the first thing that came through my mind is smelly place and dirty something like that. But u might want to visit this place too because it was an awesome n cool place ever. "Rubbish can make money". Only begin from solid waste, they can earn so much money by doing this type of business. Its brilliant wuhuu (over excited feelings haha....)

Methane gas that been produced in decomposing process of solid waste will be trapped and collected by pipe and goes to the landfill gas stack to be burned by additional oxygen. Then the product of carbon dioxide can be converted to energy and become as the electricity. Carbon dioxide that been release also can be sources to their estate of palm oil and rubber to undergo photosynthesis process. Cool right???

Besides that, leachate that come out from the waste will be collected and treated by using microbes instead of chemical compound. Microbes that being used was cultured by themselves and yet they had become the supplier for microbes to other company. They are choosing the lowest cost for treatment but give the best result of output. They are really making money!!!

Next, besides being treated by the microbes, the leachate also goes through reed beds (like bamboo plants that live on gravels) to be treated. As being mention by them, the do breeding fish by using that treated water. The want to have 0 discharge effluent so that they will recycle back all the sources to be used back. Besides the water for pond, they also make is as water sources to water their estate.

So only from rubbish people can be a billionaire ok. This is the business in Malaysia. But now they are expanding their business to China, Dubai and others for solar technology and reverse osmosis treatment water. Amazing... suddenly, i realize that the place was super cool and the best lah hehe

Do check their website for more info =)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011


what friends means for you?

Yes, u must be yourself in whatever u do, don't hypocrite but that is not means u must show your true self entirely, behave yourself to make sure others not hurt. But, it doesn't mean u don't speak the right and let yourself hurt instead.

It is hard to keep a good relationship rather than break it up. So, appreciate others if you want to be appreciated, respect others if u want to be respected too. Keep your ego away to clean the air of a precious relationship of friendship.

Yes, it is true that what goes around comes around but please keep the bitter behind and express the sweetness only. Even that u have been hurt but in a certain situation u must be more patient. If they are truly wrong they will pay for the price, but if they got the lesson don't mention even if u r very satisfied enough in your heart cause it hurts more on them especially when they are not totally wrong and it is just happen accidentally not purposely.

Once u say it, u cannot pull it back and what u have been said is the real character of u. Don't make things complicated if u want it to be simple. Please... it hurt enough and the sadness might not been forgotten forever. But only time can tell.

Guilty, is not a good things to experience and feel. u might regret of what u have done before and it will haunted u throughout your life. This is reality, don't aspect others to understand u before u can understand them 1 by 1. Be strong and free yourself, be positive and think out of the box. Don't be so rigid, please be flexible a little bit.

What ever it is, this is just an expression of feeling only. Don't leave any grudge in your heart and forgive everyone around u because that is the best way to be happy. Chill out hehe =)

Friday, November 11, 2011


Assalamualaikum... n salam sejahtera =)

Today's date is quite special because it shows 11.11.11 at 11.11pm. Yeah i miss the moment in the morning,,,
i wonder, babies that born today sure have a beautiful number in their my card rite? 111111 in the beginning... MasyaAllah! this is interesting. hihi u must be proud when u grown up soon =)

Captured in the moment, and it is Friday on a very special date

Anyhow, have a nice day!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lesson of the Day


Hari ni banyak bende yang jadi dan banyak pengajaran yang Ely dapat n harus Ely pedoman. Hari Ahad lepas kan balik rumah n x sangka, permohonan tuk Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ) tu Ely dapat rupenye... Syukur Alhamdulillah. Dahla mase interview cam ape tah gabra amat, padahal miss tu suh perkenalkan diri je. Daripada dia x nak tanya soalan, Ely telah menyebabkan dia nak tanya banyak soalan, emm,,, masak menjawabnya.

Tarikh surat 27/10 (Same date Mak n Ayah bertolak ke Makkah) dia kata suh reply 3 weeks after the letters date. Kira punya salah sampai ingat kan esok 10/11 (My mom’s birthday) last day for reply. Punyalah buntu x tau nak uat pe, rase mcm x mo amik terus pun de gak. Sampai sepanjang perjalanan balik memang x berapa nak tenang bile abg Ngah tanya macammana, Ely jawab nantilah pk.

Semalam baru lah sedar nak kire betul2 3 minggu lepas tarikh tu berapa, sekali rupenye last date 17/11 la bknnye 10/11 buat cuak je. Tarikhnya tersilap, so ade la mase lagi nak uruskan. Lega sikit. Hari ni kebetulan akak cuti, maka Ely pun terpaksalah meminta pertolongan dia tuk settlekan bende ni. Rentetannya seperti berikut...

11 pagi baru kuar then terus ke Kolej sebab nak print borang cancel pt n kee rumah. Seram masuk kole sebab x de orang memang clear. Masuk dengan redha n redah je. X berani dok lame2 kang ade pulak org sergah ke ape. Siap print pe sume letak barang n go. Actually risau kete tu kene clamp ke ape. Nasib dapat masuk n keluar dengan jayanya.

Sampai kat HEP dalam kul 12 nak mintak cop tapi dia suh fotostat surat tawaran dulu. Sebenarnya memang nak scan je tp td dh cuak sgt sampai x ingat nak buat ape. Pergilah hamba ini ke atas PTAR, kedai fotostat – TUTUP. Then kat koperasi memang terang2 tulis x de fotostat kat sini. So tinngal 1 option je iaitu Blok B. then turunla g kat blok tu sekali – TUTUP jugak. Adeh putus harapan. Tanya Tasha dia x keje pulak. X leh jadi ni. Naik atas dengan harapan KP ade dan boleh tolong settlekan masalah...

Sampai bilik dia dengar bunyi, ade la tu sekali baru nak ketuk Dr bukak n masing2 pun terkejut kt situ jugak. Citela gitu gini pe sume n nasib baik bilik ketua lain tu ade mesin fotostat, then dapatla buat salinan n pengesahan jugak.Syukur n Ely tanya la nak bayar tak, dia kate x yh n itu memang tanggungjawab dia sebagai KP. Klu nak bayar balik sile belajar betul2. Tu je hadiah yang patut awak bagi – RESULT YANG BAIK

Then rush la g HEP tuk mintak sign, last2 dapat jugk n settlelah. Tapi nak kene beli setem hasil RM10 4 keping, kopak sekeao. Then g la ke LHDN tuk matikan stem. Skali kul 3 dah tutup. Tapi nasib dia bg keja terus. Mugkin tu rezeki daia.

Lepas tu makan di Kyros Kebab. Beli 1 tudung n balik sebab dak kul 5 lebih huhu. Ingat ye Ely, BLAJA SUNGUH2 K.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



Hari jumaat lepas, ikutla my fren Cik Leeyana (nama fb dia) ke Pusat Perubatan UKM tmpt keje baru dia and also tmpt mis sis-in law study for her Master in Anatomy (bukan master chef yg popular skrg ni ae). Nak dijadikan cerita pg2 jumaat tu gerak ngan dia yg nk g keje tu kul 6.30. Hujan n jem pulak sbb de accident... sampai2 ely buat muke student jela k. breakfast skali ngan my sis n follow la dia ke bilik dia sementara nk wait rehat. Sebenarnye tujuan asal nak tolong my fren tu pindah barang kat rumah baru at Plaza Rah (wrongly tell to everyone it is Plaza Ruh kuh3).

Lepak kat bilik tu sambil buat homework bukanlah perkara yg menyeronokkan tp amat membosankan ok. Ngantuk2 dlm tu, nyaris je nk tertidur tau. Then kiteorang pun mkn la tgh hr. Lepas tu tgh hr tu mak pn call sbb bru siap wukuf n ngah wait bus amik diorang tuk ke Mina pulak. Mak pn tanyala x de sape balik ke? i mention la t ely nk balik tgk umah ngan abg ngah. Suddenly mak ckp. nanti dekat dapur tu bwh meja cube tengok rasenye ade tembikai sebijik terlupa nk kuarkan. kalau baik makan, klu busuk buang je. Hihihi... mak ni, time2 mcm ni ingat lagi kt umah ade ape,,, klaka tul.

Lepas hbs call tu my sis pun ajaklah uat dissection... u know what it is??? yes... cut up a human body and reveal its structure huhuhu scarry enough??? ya, for me a bit la but mula2 pagi tu my sis terus je bawak masuk ke tmpt kerje my fren, n tmpt tu jugak la my sis kene buat dissection. masuk2 je bilik diseksi tu dh nampak 1 body terbaring kan. omg! dlm hati, aq dh sampai ke ni. ok relax n cool je. dtg tuk tgk n belajar ok jgn pk bende lain.

ini version hello kitty k, cube bayangkan version for real human... hehe bole bayang? ;-)

So yg petang tu my sis ajak buat sekali n try. i dengan perasaan bercampu baur n x la jwb ye or x, tp ok pnjm lab coat n go there. for me, bau formalin tu awet tu mmg sgt kuat sampai pedih2 mata. n mase hidu tu rase mcm mane bulu2 idung aq ni xde ke, rs byk sgt tersedut time tu. then using the dissection tool, ely pn kerat la kulit n buang lemak tuk tgk muscle layer n then bwhnye ade daging punye layer. baru buat sikit dah lenguh tgn, shaky gak memula. n yg klakanye, ely buat kat bahagian bahu n kepala ely kire sblh kepala body tu. mase tengah2 khusyuk buat tu rase mcm mata dia berkelip. eh i tgk eh x la u kn dh dead. in my mind rase mcm ok ape aq nk buat kalu tetibe dia hidup dan bangun. for sure sume lari kan... pk2 balik ok perasaan sendiri je huhu...

habis daripada situ, balik semula bilik n mengarut. kul 3 camtu me n my fren g la angkut barang pe sume. then dlm 4.30 patah balik dia x punch out lg. wait la sampai nak kul 5, time tu my sis pn dh abis seminar n kiteorang pun balik la ke umah dia. my fren balik Melak terus. Serius la, itu mmg pengalaman buat benda yg x pernah ely jangke n klu x try maybe xde lagi peluang mcm tu. its a knowledge huhu... (sy tlh dibuli oleh mereka dan belanje mereka sbb both of them x leh nk draw duit, minum bubble drinks byk sgt hehe)

Panjang pulak entry ni... Stop sini la wassalam... =)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hazhijie Kuaile


This year nak beraya haji kat mane ek? nak balik umah, mak ayah kt Makkah, nak balik umah mak mertua, belum kahwin lagi... (ape aq mengarut ni hahaha)... Nak balik umah mbah (nenek dalam bahasa jawa k) boleh juga, em abg2 dan kakak x tau balik mane gak,,, ni la hari raya paling confuse bg ely...

Ahad ni je kot dah raye ha... Anyway, nak ucapkan Selamat menyambut Aidiladha yang penuh barakah ini terutama tuk mak ayah yg sedang memunaikan ibadah haji, semoga sihat hendaknya dan semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur... n tuk semua adik beradik, saudara mara serta semua umat Islam yang meraikannya... (bajet cam artis buat ucapan ape,,, hoho)

Oleh yang demikian, sok dah pun start cuti. Nak g umah abg cik kat Ampang la... (1st time tu beraya kat bandar huhu...) tapi malam ni still de 1 kelas ganti yang harus ditempuh... got to go...

Ampang,,, here i come,,,

Wassalam =)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Journey to Makkah


Alhamdulillah berkat doa semua dan dengan izin Allah, mak n ayah dapat peluang tuk tunaikan ibadah haji tahun ni. Selasa malam 25/10 lepas kul 11.30 kena check in kat Tabung Haji Kelana Jaya. Pagi tu Cik Bakir n Abg Ngah yang hantar ke rumah kakak. Cik Ani n Abg Long 1 family pun ada jugak...

Maka dengan itu, saya dengan rasminya ponteng kelas petang Selasa tu... Malam punya lab boleh amik hari Jumaat. (Oh ye, surat tunuk sebab x datang x uat lagi huhu...) Abg Ngah n Abg Shahrul amik Ely kt kolej ptg tu. Sampai umah akak makan2 n rest. Pas maghrib trus pegi...

Walaupun agak lame yg amat menunggu tapi tape. kiteorang dapat port baik punya tuk wait sampai 1.30... Love u mom n dad. take care and semoga sihat slalu serta dipermudahkan urusan kat sana. will wait both of u on 7/12 later... =)

Will miss both of u, semoga sentiasa sihat selalu dan selamat pergi dan balik...

From all your children...

abg long's family

abg chik's family

akak's family

cik ani's family

las but not least, cik bakir...


Friday, October 28, 2011

Kela Camp


What will you do if suddenly you are stuck in the middle of the road? While you transportation broke down. No coverage to call for help even no S.O.S call can be done... ------BLUR------ n -----BLANK------

That is actually a true story of me going for trip at Kela Camp in Raub Pahang for my ESM subject. The total of student going is around 60 and there are 2 bus available... Nak dijadikan cerita (hah kan dah keluar BM punya bahase, senang sikit nk cite) The story will begin...

Saturday Morning
We are suppose to go at 8 but the bus are late and 1 is broken. Then 16 of us go with the bus that want to go to Janda Baik. We want to go to Raub so, we will stop at the Genting Sempah R&R... We leave at 9 am. The rest student will take the second bus of Bas Persiaran (dah nyawa2 ikan bas ni sebenarnya) Then gitu gini leave at 10 because fill up the tank first. Before arriving at Genting Sempah, that Bas Persiaran was stop and smokes come out. The bus has problem  with it's radiator... panas tetibe kn... Kiteorang yg sah sampai R&R ngan bas baru Rengit tu, diorang x sampai2 lagi... Nak dekat kul 1 kot baru diorang sampai. Kiteorang dah siap makan McD segala.

Saturday Noon
Kiteorang yang awal ni kenela bertolak dulu naik bus buruk sebab nak tunggu bas baru yang tengah hantar orang kat Janda Baik tu balik amik kiteorang. Kenela berkorban naik baus buruk n jalan dulu... Nak dekat kul 3 maybe dah nak sampai camp tu benti solat. Pastu gerak tetiba tengah jalan berasap n xleh hidup. Cuak sume orang. Nak uat call xde coverage, terpaksalah driver tu simbah2 air n wait keap sambil try hidupkan enjin huhu... 2 org budak laki g naik lori ke tempat camp tu dulu tuk mintak bantuan tapi x pulak balik2.

Saturday Evening
Last2 cube punya cube hidup gak bas tu n sume cepat2 naik n go.... sampai2 sume orang dah ade termasuk bus yang baru tu pun dah sampai. Diorang memotong time kiteorang berhenti solat Zuhor rupenye. Yang 2 org dah g dulu tu x bole nk bagi bantuan sangat la sebab kat situ pun line xde...

Saturday Late Evening
Eat n Briefing from En Azmi tuan rumah, camp tu memang sengaja buat 20 years backward. Rumah buluh, bilik air x berbumbung, xde coverage, sungai tapi letrik ade k...
Pastu kiteorng form group n ice breaking till 6
till 7 main sukaneka...

Saturday Night
Get ready for dinner n persembahan group... Dapat no3 hehe

Saturday Late Night
Sleep dalam kesejukan melampau di rumah panjang...

Sunday Morning
Take a bath, breakfast n go for jungle trekking... Masuk sungai n redah hutan about 2 hours,,, memang best sambil tengok pokok2. Route tu adalah yang paling senang rupenye tapi sume pun rase dah terlebih mencabar ketahanan kiteorang...

Sunday Noon
Mandi sungai yeaahaaaa.... Seronok yang amat. Air sejuk n deras, try hanyut2kan diri. Rakit pun ade...

Sunday Late Noon
Makan tengah hari n bertolak balik hehe... dapat naik bus baru ok

Sunday Evening
Stop kat R&R mane lupe, wait bus yg buruk tu tapi x sampai2 rupenye rosak n berasap lagi tengah jalan. kiteorang dihantar balik dulu ke uitm n that bus will patah balik take those yang tertinggal tu... kesian,,, kiteorang sampai dalam kul 5, n dengar kate diorang sampai nak kul 8 kot huhu...

Anyhow... its a great experience... don't ever quit in whatever you do. do the best n tawakkal for the result k =)


Sunway Pyramid + Modul

1. Sunway Pyramid

After few hectic week, barulah dpt spend time ngan my clique at Sunway Pyramid. Perjalanan pagi2 yg dingin menaiki bus U62 dari PKNS to Sunway Pyramid, awal tu kul 9 lebih dah gerak... Siap breakfast kt Restoran F.C. makan sandwich dgn Bel lg sbb nak wait Pupu sampai kan... Bertiga je pergi sebab Anis x dpt ikut... Only me with Pupu n Bel

After sampai... terus g cari tiket wayang. tengok cite Dream House... best la psycho punya cerita,,, Ye2 tunggu mane hantu x keluar2 hehe,,, nak tau cerita selanjutnya silala tgk sendiri... Ending dia best la tapi still sedih huhu... Tengok gambar pun dah seram kan hihi...

Then kiteorang pun makan2, jalan2 n shopping2... Shopping kat F.O.S je pun. Sambil mencari bau dinner yang bertema VINTAGE =) Dalam lepas maghrib baru tolak balik, dasat kan hehe...

Ala2 model gitu kui3... oh ye paling best makan kat Garden Cafe, sangat cantik tempat dia... =) tapi bayar pun mestila cantik but puas hati (^0^)v

Pupu yang teringin nak main ice skating tapi x main pun, takut jatuh... =p

Berangan je - baru je lepas beli barang kat Guess n British India =P

2. Modul

The next week after berjalan sakan sampai sakit kaki segala, sume pun wajibla g modul Kenegaraan yang memang terbaek... tapi walaupun bunyi cam boring tapi rasenye modul ni paling best. x taula sebab modul last or dapat grouping ngan yang sempoi n facilitator yang sporting Miss Zetty =)

Moral of the story pasal modul... Actually kita kene pikirkan pasal negara kita sekarang ni. Bahagiakah? Bahayakah? Maju sudah ataupun masih jauh dan banyak lagi yang belum kita capai... in my opinion, semua orang harus mengubah mentality yang negative to positive. Banyak kelemahan yang harus diperbaiki for me la... Apa-apa pun pray for the best and strike for our goal of life. Balancing the duniawi with akhirat kan,,, Its a reminder for me too... =)

Sekian, Wassalam,,,

Friday, October 7, 2011



Just want to share something...
Chinese people always believe in feng shui and numbers which can effect on someone. They have so many 'pantang larang' pasal benda2 ni sume...

Nak dijadikan cerita, now i'm taking mandarin language lesson and my lecturer is Malay, Wan Laoshi who previously studied in Taiwan for Chinese literature. Hebat kan... (^0^)

Dia cakap jangan percaya kat nombor2 pe sume tu khurafat tapi, kalau dikaji mungkin ada juga kebetulannya... Last time dia ajar pasal nombor yang berkaitan dengan diri kita. caranya, ambil tarikh lahir, contohnya mine:


Add up all numbers like this:
= 3 1 --> ade tak salah satu nombor ni berkaitan dengan diri kita?
At first Ely rase macam takde kene mengena langsung tapi bila fikir2 balik ade jugak terkenanya
1 - Ely ade sorang kakak je dlm adik beradik
3 - and ade 3 orang abang
   - MUET dapat Band 3 (err...)
   - 3 kali ujian bukit tuk kereta baru pas (ini kisah paling menyegankan huhu)

Kebetulan je tu kan...

Those two numbers tu boleh add up tuk jadi single number
=4 --> ade ke dalam hidup Ely berkaitan ngan nombor 4
Mungkin yang ni...
4 - Ade 4 orang adik beradik lagi
   - Dulu UPSR dapat 4A (Malu je huhu)
   - SPM pun dapat 4A (Arghh kantoi...)

Korang try la korang punye number lak hehe...

Ape-ape pun maybe tu semua coincident je, segala yang ade dalam dunia ni dah ditentukan oleh Allah dan ape juga yang berlaku ade hikmah yang Allah dah tetapkan...


Busy... Busy... Busy...


Seriously so busy for last three week huhu... So tired too...
There are something i want to share which as seen below...

Lepas je hari khamis last week, Ely terus balik kampung.
Nak dijadikan cerita for the interview i don't know what had happen...
Interviewer tu perempuan ok je pun dia tu.
Tak tanya banyak pun and dia just nak tengok kite bercakap macam mane je.
Cite pasal diri sendiri and latar belakang je tapi tak taula pe jadi mase tu nerves sangat kot sampai nak cakap ape pun tak tau.
Redha jela, kalau ade rezeki dapatla, takde nak buat cemane kan... =)

Lepas interview and kelas terus balik kampung dengan liyana
n her friend farah tumpangkan sampai melaka central.
Sampai2 dah pukul 6 and bus cop Orkid ade tiket pukul 7,
beli la n wait for the bus. Redah je ni and x bagitau sesape.
Dah naik bus tu sampai BP pukul 9.
Dah risau ugak ade lagi ke tak bus Maju yang nak ke kampung tu,
kalau takde.. i'm dead huhu...
Turun je terus berlari g tmpt bus tu nasib dua2 bus Tongkang Pechah n Simpang Lima ade.
Selamat... fuhh... Tapii wait driver nak dekat half an hour jugak la.
Itulah bus last malam. Nak adi cerita, dah naik bus Tongkang Pechah tu barulah call mak,
cite2 ape semua barula mak tanya bile nak balik.
Jawab dengan bangga, nak balik la ni dah sampai Wet World, setengah jam lagi sampaila.
Terkejut mak ayah hehe... Anak diaorang yang sorang ni memang macam ni.

And then dah naik, n dah lepas Parit Betong lagi 2 minit sepatutnya sampai depan kampung
boleh pulak bus rosak. Cobaan betul...
Driver pun call la member dia suruh escort sebab dah nyawa2 ikan yang amat.
Sikit lagi mmg stop la bus tu tepi jalan. Masa tu ade 2 org penumpang termasuk Ely.
Sorang lagi tu nak turun Parit Sulong.
Dengan beraninya naik la kete diorang and hantar sampai depan kampung,
huhu... Alhamdulillah selamat...

Kenduri Kesyukuran untuk mak ayah pergi haji hari Sabtu
petang pukul 2 untuk perempuan and malamnya lepas isyak untuk lelaki.
Menu ketupat, lodeh, sambal goreng, sambal tumis and sate...
Alhamdulillah semua ok and penat macam biase...
Sekarang ni tinggal wait tarikh mak ayah punye flight tuk pergi haji...

Week sebelumnya rumah akak buat open house,
agak tiap2 minggu jugak la Ely tade,
and this week barula bole nak spent time ngan kwn2,
sok nak g Sunway Pyramid, jom jalan2... =)


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

O.M.G. Interview???


Ok seriously i'm afraid to wait for this becoming Thursday...

Why...??? Because i have an interview with the Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ) peoples...
This is the loan which only for Johorian only...
So,,, i need to study about my Johore state
I don't know what they might will ask...
About Johore history? sultan? education? my faculty or university.. ooo huhu...

Whatever it is, just be calm and just go for it.
I need to be highly confident with myself.
Go Ely Go!!!
Just pray to Allah for the best and InsyaAllah i hope i can make it...

Wish me luck///

Friday, September 16, 2011



Escaping from a dizzy busy week... =p
Stay at my sister's house again... sorry my sis n bro il for troubling u both...

Sunday.12.9 - Registration day. Sakit2 badan sebab kena angkat barang jauh2. All access to the college was closed to get in by car, so pakai kaki tangan je la huhu...

Monday.13.9 - Go to faculty do table meeting with classmates n try to settle up with registration course... pending... Go to class Water with Miss Bazlin, Emission with Dr Ab. Khalik and ESM with Pn Zitty Sarah??? Uhuu...

Tuesday.14.9 - Finished 1 Chapter for ESM hahaha... got 1 assignment

Wednesday.15.6 - Emission class, finding class and answer questionnaire...

Thursday.16.9 - No Mandarin Class. No Solid Waste class. Fighting for class with Miss Lin, ,,, got 1 more assignment. then packing up and run away...


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tanya Sama Pokok...

Like this song too... =)

Hazama ft Meet Uncle Hussain...


Recently listening to this song...



Hehe rase gembira je sebab the wireless is CONNECTED...!!!

Maka dengan ini bolehla online selalu, paling penting mudah sikit nak cari references tuk assignment, dan update this blog juga kalau x busy la huhu... Esok dah start kuliah... semangat2!!!

Pagi tadi sebelum daftar kolej sempat lagi g open haouse rumah makcik kepada abang ipar kat bangi, tengah hari baru la rushing g u, Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar but... cume ada 1 kemusykilan je kat sini... i don't know who is my roomate yet... Hoho... Wait n see... ;-)


Lets Go Back To...


To.... Sleep? No
To.... Home? No
To.... Work? No, To STUDY.......!!!

Huhu... My semester break will be ended tomorrow. That is mean i need to register at the college and stay at the hostel for the whole semester... after a very long holiday which is 4 months... But, as usual this moment will make us feel very lazy to pack all the stuff and start to think... how long we going to go through this period. And yet will we will realize that we are not done in study yet,,, oh no;;;

Unfortunately... for me, all my stuff have been packed already even reluctantly feeling was stay big in my heart... Tomorrow, will be rush to the bank to pay the fee and go to the college for registration, after that bring all my bags and other stuff to my room and then were done...

This is the last night in my sister's house. Enjoying all this comfort feeling before it will be vanished away... Anyway, what ever happen, lets gather up all the spirit to study and strike the goal for success... Good luck for me and all other friends who has the same case like me... After this, i might be seldom to update this blog regarding to the wireless detection in my new room. Until we meet again at the next post, see ya!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Hari Raya... 2011


...Salam hamba hulur tanda ingatan,,,
ehh... ternyanyi la pulak kan... emm rupe2nye dah 11 hari tak update blog ni, maklumlah sibuk nak raya dan macam2 jugak yang dah berlaku. Raya kali ni sederhana je tapi meriah la jugak dan pecah rekod la sebab balik kampung sampai 2 kali haha...

Highlight to story (takut ade yang ter-miss)
1. 2 days before raya
2. diri sendiri
3. balik kampung
4. buka pose last
5. hari raya
6. balik kampung sekali lagi
7. at rumah atok, kampung parit raja
8. balik rumah
9. hari-hari raya berikutnya

Macam biase 2 hari b4 raya bz teramat... tukar langsir, tikar, sarung kusyen, buat kuih... tu yang sampai mata pun jadi panda 2...

4 diri sendiri, g beli baju raya lama dah wane purple, lagi 1 beli lagi kaler hijau then lg 1 ingat nak buat tuk kain samarinda yg abg long beli dari bali tp mcm susah last2 buat 1 suit terus warne kelabu. lagi 1 warna hijau jugak kak maz belikan huhu... maka secara tak rasminya bau raya saya taun ni ade 4 hehe... melampau...

raya taun ni x la touching sangat sebab ely x balik kampung naik bus or naik kete ke sbb fully pose dh de kat rumah so x de feel la balik kampung nak raya kan...

macam kebiasaannya buka puase yang last was held at my grandma house. taun ni pecah rekod jugak sebab datang awal kul 6.30pm dah de kat sana. selalunya datang tinggal bace doa berbuka terus hik3. ade peningkatan ni. yang ade abg chik n family la ngan abg ngah. tapi yg perempuan n muhammad pergi dulu sebab abg ngah n abg chik tengah bz pasang lampu raya. ayah still wait kalau2 ade orang nk bayar zakat fitrah lagi...
1. ready tuk berbuka n terduduk di sebelah tong air, mak tengah letak lauk rasenye...
2. pak su
3. akif anak no.2 pak su
4. ira (kakak akif) n aiman sibuk main game dalam phone

sampai2 umah mbah tolong la pe yang patut n g readykan tuk berbuka. yang ade family cik bakir jela. then barula family cik ani n maksu datang. abang long datang lambat sikit sebab 1 family tak berape nak sihat... menjelang nak berbuka ely secara rasminya menjadi tukang cedok air tanpa henti... huhuhu... ('T_T')

6. antara lauk pauk yang menunggu masa tu di-ngap
7. tukang cedok air, n yang lain2
8. cedok air lagi,,, ni kalau bisness laku ni...
9. abg chik, kak aspa n muhammad
10. kak long, ira n mbah
11. mak su, angah n pak su
12. azi, ira n ely, cedok air lagi...
13. cik jannah, nurin, baby shira n kak maz
14. adik damia main bunga api
15. makan pulasan, puas dok memulas2

after berbuka n solat maghrib mengarut la ngan yang lain sementara wait ayah balik. biasanya bace doa selamat sikit, tahlil n takbir... (as usual sampai ngantuk2 hihi...) kemudian, the most waiting moment sesi bermaaf-maafan sesame keluarga. time ni la menunggu dengan penuh harapan kot2 dapat duit raya lagi hihi... bilela ko nak keje ely. lepas ni giliran ko pulak bagi duit raye kat mbah, ayah, mak n sepupu sepapat... insyaAllah hari moga hari itu akan tiba tak lama lagi... amin... =)

16. wani main bunga api
17. muhammad yang x henti2 senyum jek last2 tertidur kat atuk dia n yana
18. yuyun, faiz n cik bakir
19. sesi bermaaf-maafan mbah n ayah sambil diperhatikan kak long
20. mbah n baby shira  yg dah melekat xmo balik

perang mercun pun bermula la time ni, berdentam-dentum sane sini macam perang bunyinye... ade saje stoknye tu. yang kecik2 tak kurang dengan bung api jugak. meriah la bagi mereka. bagi kite yang semakin membesar ni,,, kureng dah la. seronok tenngok gelagat diaorang je la. sambil makan pulasan yang terpulas jari nak membukanya. dari tempat cik jannah kat semerah...

21. azi, cik bakir n faiz
22. abg long n abg ngah yg x henti2 makan pulasan aka cameraman...
23. adik-beradik ira n akif

dah settle semua, mak, ayah, family abang long n abang chik balik la umah dulu. tinggal la kami  adik dan angah yang bujang ni kene stay lame sikit sebab macam biasela mbah biasenya adela yang nak di bawakkan balik. akak taun ni beraya kat sabak bernam dulu sebab tu xde. lepas kemas2 n gitu gini, abg ngah yang dah terlebih makan pulasan tu moh la kite balik... sampai umah rasenye macam terus tidur kot. ingat nak isi kuih tapi macam dah letih sangat esok jela. anak2 sedare xde lainnya kalau bukan main game je kejenya...

hari raya pun tiba... pas mandi sunat hari raya start a busy. kemas rumah, iron baju ayah n abg ngah, solat sunat hari raya, isi kuih raya n susun segala, cawan, air readykan sampai terlupa breakfast. tunggu punya tunggu adela beberapa group budak2 datang. duit raya dah lama ready tapi taun ni mmg tak ramai bebudak datang beraya. under 50 rasenya... dah nak tengah hari tetiba mak plan nak balik kampung... apa??? balik kampung parit raja???
24. abg long's family
25. nurin n maksu
26. abg chik's family
sepantas kilat semua orang pack ape yang patut tuk balik kampung. abg chik n abg long family mmg nak balik bp n kluang esok pun. so alang2 nak balik ok jugak singgah kg dulu. masak pun mak dah siap pack barang kunci pintu zass... otw balik kg terus. b4 that sempat jugak amik pic skit2... dalam perjalanan tu baru la terasa feeling balik kampung...
"balik kampung,,, ooo balik kampung,,, ooo balik kampung hati girang..."

27. me n ayah
28. me n kak aspa
29. me n mereka
raya pertama -->
at rumah atok, ade cik dah's family n cik usop's family. pecah rekod raya pertma dah balik kg. sesape yang datang nak beraya kat rumah hari raya first tu memang mintak maaf banyak2 la sebab kiteorang takde. petang tu terus beraya ke rumah sebelah2 then abg chik n abg long's family pun balik. ely, abg ngah, ayah n mak je yang stay tido sane. pagi2 lepas sarapan terus gerak balik n singgah rumah cik rahim b4 tu...

30. ely, mak, ayah n abg ngah
31. ayah n mak (gambar klise hehe)
32. ely n mak
raya ke-2 -->
moh la kita balik rumah semula... singgah bali kuih kat pt raja n pt sulong sebab anak mak masing2 balik bawak kerepek taun ni. taun 1 kuih favorite tade, biskut salut cokelat yang bentuknya macam buah pinggang or gajus tu huhu. cari kat kedai dah habis... kat rumah wait orang datang beraya la...

raya ke-3 -->
kakak balik then abg chik balik ampang, n wait baraan (marhaban) ayah sampai. sediakan nuggets ape semua. habis tu pack balik kampung sekejap sebab b4 kiteorang balik dr umah atok hari tu atok pesan kat mak nak keluban (kerabu sayur) favorite atok. sampai umah atok makan2 terus gi umah abg long kat kluang tapi sampai dah malam. then sume balik umah pt yusuf semula...

33. kakak
34. abg danish
35. mama, adik haikal (senyum je dia...) n papa
36. abg danish main game psp je
37. haikal, abg shahrul n danish
38. reramai
39. haikal berambut pacak2 (hoax, tu rambut papa dia...)
raya ke-4 -->
berjalan raya dengan kawan2 sekolah menengah. best la n dapat pegi dalam 12 rumah, laju tak kiteorang... habis dalam pukul 4pm...
40. blakang: faridah, aqim, diba, net n shida
depan: sima, yana, intan, shira, lily, ely n nad kat rumah aqim
41. kat rumah net
42. hanafi, a'ai, raja n faiq
43. with diana at her house
44, 45 n 46. kat rumah ely
raya ke-5 -->
pagi-pagi dah p pasar naik motor dengan kakak. kalau naik kete jem... saje nk bawak akak yg dh lame x p pasar tapi yang tak best sikit je kedai bukak. dapatla kiteorang baju sepasanh hehe thanks akak ku sayang... =) petangnya wait baraan mak pulak sampai. kali ni buatkan mereka lengkong (agar-agar) special berperisa dragon fruit dan sirap hehe... walupun mak kate tak berape nak jadi tapi tetap dingap je...

raya ke-6 -->
hari ni plannya nak g umah mak ani tapi sampai2 sana ramai yang pergi beraya. tepon pak su, pak su pung tade kat umah n otw balik umah mbah. dah tu umah mane nak serang ni??? last2 gi bp umah mak ayah kak aspa jela. lepas tu sempat pulak gi carefour cari barang sikit. then dah balik tu ely pun membaringkan diri sebab dok pk akak cakap nak balik esok sebab diaorang tak keje. abg ngah mmg nak balik hari tu n kul 3 dah berlepas. sekali baru nk start belayar di alam mimpi akak cakap "ely, nak balik sekarang..." me like... "sekarang???" what, 1 habuk pun tak kemas, jadi lipas kudung kemas beg, masuk mane yang patut. mak pulak kelam kelibut nak masakkan anak2nya. last2 lepas asar kul 5 gitu barula kiteorang gerak. mood saya : tak berape rela nak balik shah alam dh... huhu tapi redha jela... (o_0)

begitulah cerita raya ely sampai raya ke-6, ke-7,8,9,10 kat rumah akak mengemas barang nak bawak g kolej. this is 1 of the longest entry too...
akhir kate, selamat hari raya semua,,, take care... =)
