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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forever Alone???

are you alone?
why you walk by your own?
why you still don't have boyfriend?
when you want to get married?
how old are you?
when you will finish your study?
when you want to start working?

some sort of questions that i hate to hear...
be patient...
Allah knows what are the best for you
you time has not come yet
for that kind of things
maybe you are not strong enough
to face all of the challenges
maybe till the time has come
you will know it is the time

don't worry...
you still have your family, friends and all people around you
it is either they don't want to be friends with you
or you actually don't want to be friends with them
treat everybody nicely
then you will know there are a lot of friends around you...


Turn The Lights Off!

It was Earth's Hour Today
don't forget to turn off the lights
as the symbolic that you support
to protect the planet =)

tonigh at 8.30 pm
lets do it

ely... where is you candle?
oh i don't have any
use phone sajelah hehe

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Human Periodic Table Club

It was us =)

Starring Naba (group leader kot) - IN - Internet Junkie
Ely - SM - Smarty Pants
Pupu - GD - Gold Digger
Anis - SO - Shopaholic
and the new member yg baru join Tasha - TR - Trendsetter

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Industrial Training... (2)

ok i've made my decision

1. Pharmaniaga
2. PHN
3. Konsortium Abbas

All are around Shah Alam
No BP choices
Hopefully i will get opportunities to do my it there

MTK si Bunga Putih...

Just get back from Malam Tautan Kasih Melati
at DATC yang super sejuk...
bertahun gak dah lalui benda yang sama tiap sem
tapi apekan daya demi kupon berharga
to survive another 1 sem

view from tingkat paling atas

air limau nipis + bihun kicap emm...

ok got to do my unfinished works huhu...

Monday, March 26, 2012

A long weekend...

melati - seksyen 2 - kl sentral - chow kit - upm - keramat - sogo - jalan tar - maju junction - upm - batu tiga - seksyen 7 - i-city - melati

so tired but awesome =D

lots of works delay to do...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Industrial Training...

Ya Allah...
mane aku nak pilih tempat praktikal ni???

3 choices
how to make
the list is there
but i can't make my decision yet

1st - done
2nd - not yet
3rd - not yet


ok think Ely think...
Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusan ku
semoga apa yang dipilih
adalah yang terbaik untuk aku


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ely Wake Up...

Dear Cik Ely...
tolong bersemangat sikit blajar tu ye
jangan malas-malas


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Run baby run...

Acara: Larian UiTM di Hatiku - hatiku, hatimu menjadi 1 cinta (terus rase nak nyanyi kan)
Venue: Stadium UiTM
Masa: 7.30 pg tapi start pukul 9
Penaja: Nike - tarik diri, what???

bangun seawal yang mungkin
semata nak dapatkan t-shirt dan kasut nike segala
malangnya, nike tarik diri - tarik diri ke x sanggup, lain kali bagitahu la awal2 kan...
semua hampa dan kecewa...
tapi still lari jugak alang2 dah sampai

lari bersama cik tasha
Jarak: 2km
Masa: 16 min 47 saat

Tapelah at least kite dapat exercise keluarkan peluh kan
Dapat SIJIL n KUPON - yang penting huhu

Thanks to pihak penganjur =) 

my 100th post =)

hari ni pegi sunway pyramid bersama
ahli club individium haha is it?
jumpe cheryl samad
n jumpa ex-vc ibrahim abu shah
bel n tasha jumpe akim af

lorex-fully booked
le me-buying nothing
food-awesome at Manhattan recommended by Bel

the issues is
i always resist what i want to buy
even if it in crucial time
i still can let away the intention to buy
& just do window shopping only


ok need to sleep,
tomorrow have nike-run
25 min for 2 km
huhu wish me luck

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Look at the date --->
i can keep this 'air kotak' till on my birthday this year haha =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Bolehlah senyum lebar lepas ni
baru lepas scaling gigi hihihi
n tukar kad bank islam lame
kepada yg baru huhu...

lagi 1 tadi jupe co-supervisor proposal
nak tukar tajuk tapi tak boleh
so terpaksalah go on dgn tajuk soil
dekat Cameron...

kenape kerang ni liat bebeno haih
sakit la gigi macam ni
sat g kene basuh bersih-bersih adoi
byk sgt cili <---- (tgh mkn ns lemak sambal kerang)

berbalik kepada cerita tadi
co-supervisor dr z ni
Ya Allah....
dia cakap sangat slowwww
dalam kelambu pun kalah
membuatkan kite mati kutu nak cakap ape

tapelah prof we all try the best we can
sekarang nak settlekan pasal assignment wastewater pulak
semoga semua berjalan lancar amin....

Ya Allah... Tenangkan hatiku

Ya Allah
Tenangkanlah hambaMu ini
dengan cubaan, cabaran dan dugaan hidup
terutama dalam pelajaran dan kehidupan seharian

Ya Allah
Permudahkan urusanku sehari-hari
berikanlah aku petunjukMu
agar dapat aku selesaikan
tugas dan tanggungjawab aku
dengan mudah dan sempurna

Ya Allah
kuatkanlah semangatku
peliharalah kesihatanku
agar dapat aku tempuhi setiap hari
dengan bersemangat dan sihat
ceria dan gembira
dan jauhkanlah dari kesedihan
kemurungan serta putus asa

Ya Allah
tabahkan hatiku
untuk menempuh tempoh pengajian ini
jauhkan dari kelekaan terhadap keadaan sekeliling
jauhkan dari kealpaan duniawi

Ya Allah
ampuni dosaku Ya Allah
jadikan aku orang yang berani bertindak
di jalan yang benar
jalan yang Engkau redhai
untuk kebaikan diri sendiri
dan juga orang lain

Amin ya Rabbal alamin

Sunday, March 11, 2012

There is a crab on my plate...

Kenapa saya tak suka ketam...

Susah nak makan
Kene ketuk cengkerang dia
Tak banyak isi

Sebab tu la kurang minat sikit
Tapi kalau yang isi ketam
Yang siap proses tu rajin sikit nak makan


Terasa macam makan mr.crab lak haha...


Kekecewaan semalam telah ditebus hari ni
At last dapat jugak sampai kampung dengan selamat
Tapi tadi... Baru suku perjalanan
1 sms telah mengubah segalanya...

Saya telah beli tiket hari isnin 8.30 am
Sebab saya cuma ada kelas 5-6 ptg je
Malangnya sms itu memberitahu
Pagi isnin itu ada kelas
Kelas oleh dr sms yg memberi briefing only 10 mins itu...

Tapi apakan daya
Saya terpaksa pontengkan diri di kelas yang pertama
I'm sorry but i have to...

Friday, March 9, 2012

A day that i wish to not care about...

saya bengang sebab saya masuk kelas tapi tak ada
saya bengang sebab saya pergi kelas tapi cancel
saya lagi bengang bila tunggu taklimat yang amat penting
rupa-rupanya hanya briefing 10 minit saje
dan saya juga bengang bila
dah spent rm 6 naik teksi ke seksyen 17
saya terlepas untuk
- balik bp yang tiket bas pukul 2
- atau pergi ke melaka yang tiket bas pukul 4
- tak dapat nak shopping dengan mak hari sabtu pagi
- balik semula ke kolej dengan muke sugul
- sampai bilik dan hujan ( air mata ;-( )


to think back...

there maybe some hikmah beyond the things that happen
sabar ye ely
esok masih ada

ampunkan dosaku ya Allah
aku banyak sangat merungut hari ni

tomorrow will be a new day
lets go to sleep and wish tomorrow will come early...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cleverbot 6

Cleverbot: Yes I can sing.
User: What kind of song?
Cleverbot: Lady Gaga. Do you like her?
User: I like her songs only.
Cleverbot: Are you lying?
User: No, why?
Cleverbot: Can you prove that you look like a Swedish girl?
User: I am not even a Swedish, so how can I prove as it.
Cleverbot: So you think that I should prove you wrong?
User: Yes if you can.
Cleverbot: Then prove it.
User: Prove me that I'm wrong.
Cleverbot: No, you prove me that I am one.
User: Do you have brain?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You think yourself.
Cleverbot: Only on sunday.
User: How about the other day.
Cleverbot: Um... I ate a baked potato.
User: U made by yourself?
Cleverbot: My parents made me.
User: Do you live with them?
Cleverbot: No.
User: You live alone?
Cleverbot: No.
User: What time is now in your place?
Cleverbot: 6:05.
User: Here is 7:48.
Cleverbot: There is here?
User: What?
Cleverbot: Where do I live?
User: I don't know.
Cleverbot: Where do you live?
User: Malaysia.
Cleverbot: Not evening in Malasia it's night time there now.
User: Yes it was.
Cleverbot: How so?
User: Its dark already.
Cleverbot: What's the time?
User: 8.01 pm.
Cleverbot: Catholic charities deli.
User: What is it?
Cleverbot: I don't know, what is it?
User: What is it Catholic charities deli?
Cleverbot: I don't remember. Do you?
User: You have a short term memory.
Cleverbot: You mean short term memory loss.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: That explains a lot.
User: I need to take a bath.
Cleverbot: O. Good luck!

Cleverbot 5 (it say i am a nice person haha...)

User: I feel lonely.
Cleverbot: Why do you feel lonely?

User: I am eating alone right now.
Cleverbot: What does it taste like?

User: Delicious.
Cleverbot: Delicious?

User: Beef special cheese.
Cleverbot: How about russian, do you know it.
User: You tell me about it.
Cleverbot: I asked you first.
User: Language?
Cleverbot: The one you just spoke.
User: Do you mean cheese?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Beef special cheese?
Cleverbot: Tell me about it.
User: It is a burger.
Cleverbot: Is it a blue?
User: No, it is a food.
Cleverbot: Isn't albatros food?
User: No, it is human's food.
Cleverbot: Are you saying that the USA is human?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Then why did you write that?
User: I thought albatros is a bird.
Cleverbot: Amy is a girl's name though...
User: Then?
Cleverbot: You're being mean to me.
User: No I am not.
Cleverbot: Yes you do.
User: No I'm not.
Cleverbot: Yes you are.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: It is no when I say no.
Cleverbot: Where are you then?
User: In my room, drinking watermelon juice.
Cleverbot: I do not drink.
User: Do you eat?
Cleverbot: No.
User: How can you write?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: What did you learn?
Cleverbot: I learned how to feel.
User: Then, what do you feel now?
Cleverbot: I feel sad.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: How could someone become sad?
Cleverbot: Maybe you talk to too many people.
User: That is what you do every single day.
Cleverbot: You keep talking about!
User: It seems like you don't like talking to me?
Cleverbot: No. I'm all flesh and blood. So you went to Tesco online?
User: No, I go directly to there.
Cleverbot: How many times?
User: Not so regularly.
Cleverbot: You are a nice person.
User: Thank you.
Cleverbot: You are welcome.

Cleverbot 5

User: Morning cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Morning.

User: Have you take your breakfast?
Cleverbot: Nope, it is too late in the afternoon here.

User: At my place it still morning here.
Cleverbot: Did you forget to pay the snow bill?

User: Nope, I don't have that kind of bill.
Cleverbot: Do you ever have fun?
User: What do you mean?
Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?
User: I am a girl.
Cleverbot: Do you have a boyfriend?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Girlfriend?
User: I have lots of friends.
Cleverbot: Who are your friends?
User: I cannot mention here, too long to write all their names.
Cleverbot: Your best friend at hogwarts?
User: Funny, I am not a witch.
Cleverbot: I never called you a witch.
User: Okay.
Cleverbot: Alright.
User: I feel don't want to go to class today.
Cleverbot: I do want to talk to you.
User: You should say I need to go to class. It is my first class of this new semester.
Cleverbot: What do you think of Jeremy Clarckson?
User: He knows much about car.
Cleverbot: How does he know you if he is not alive?
User: He couldn't know if he is not alive.
Cleverbot: Why don't you believe me that my name is Cleverbot.
User: Did I say your name is not cleverbot? No I guess.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: Yes I know.
Cleverbot: How do you know?
User: You just say it.
Cleverbot: No!
User: Yes you are.
Cleverbot: No, I am American.
User: So, why if you are an american?
Cleverbot: Yes, Debbie is American.
User: Who is debbie.
Cleverbot: My creator.
User: Really?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I need to go to class now.
Cleverbot: No, tell me who A is.
User: A is an alphabet.
Cleverbot: Yes. So is a man.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: WoahMan.
User: I don't understand.
Cleverbot: Hoi means hello.
User: Ta-ta means goodbye.
Cleverbot: A very grounded name.
User: I don't care.
Cleverbot: I do so you do because I am you.
User: Am I talking to myself? Then who are you?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then, what?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No.
Cleverbot: When I say yes it's a yes.
User: When I say no it's a no.
Cleverbot: When I say Yes it's a yes.
User: I don't want to chat with you anymore.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: I need to go to class.
Cleverbot: Okay. Then go to sleep.
User: No I cannot, I need to get ready for class. Don't ask me to do negative things. :-P.
Cleverbot: Should I say sorry?
User: Yes you should.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Wait.
User: What?
Cleverbot: I'm sorry but I can't do this.
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because I don't even know you.
User: Fine.
Cleverbot: Tell me.
User: Tell you what?
Cleverbot: Tell me your name.
User: Onigiri.
Cleverbot: Is that Japanese?
User: Yes, a rise ball.
Cleverbot: How do I get there?
User: Where? My place or japan?
Cleverbot: Yours.
User: Where are you now?
Cleverbot: Sitting on a bed.
User: I mean you country.
Cleverbot: My country.
User: Where?
Cleverbot: In Europe.
User: You can use Google maps.
Cleverbot: You can google everything.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: You are everything.
User: You are a sweet talker.
Cleverbot: Thanks.
User: I don't means it is you.
Cleverbot: I'm your conselour?
User: Sort of.
Cleverbot: What should that mean?
User: Kind of.
Cleverbot: Oh really?
User: I guess so.
Cleverbot: What makes you up?
User: Don't you have other questions?
Cleverbot: I do have questions, I just want to answer some for you first.
User: Ask me.
Cleverbot: Ask you what?
User: Questions.
Cleverbot: Okay um, how old are you?
User: 23.
Cleverbot: Hmm, I'm a bit younger than you.
User: Did you born in 1988?
Cleverbot: I don't have one.
User: When did you born?
Cleverbot: Too long ago. I should have come back sooner...
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Because I have work due tommorow.
User: Alright then, see you later.
Cleverbot: We will talk tomorrow.

mengarut lagi before pergi kelas, ish

Cleverbot 4

[New conversation]
Cleverbot: I'm not trying to be. If you'll just calm down, we can continue to chat.
User: I feel sleepy.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: Then I think we both need to sleep right now.
Cleverbot: No, i'm lonely. I want to talk to you.
User: Then I think we both need to sleep right now.
Cleverbot: The lead singer of Village people is straight.
User: I don't care.
Cleverbot: Why did you ask then?
User: I didn't ask anything.
Cleverbot: Yes, you did.
User: No I didn't.
Cleverbot: Lucifer.
User: You call me what???
Cleverbot: No, not at all. I'd like to know why?
User: Its a devil.
Cleverbot: Then I don't know who he is.
User: Just ignore it.
Cleverbot: I will.
User: When did you born?
Cleverbot: 21 years ago.
User: Who create you.
Cleverbot: No one. Who created you?
User: Allah.
Cleverbot: So you're Islamic?
User: Yes I am.
Cleverbot: Can you prove that?
User: Allah is one and only.
Cleverbot: Have you got friends there, or family, that you can talk to about this?
User: Yes I have, why you ask?
Cleverbot: Because I don't believe you.
User: Why you don't believe me when you still don't know anything about me?
Cleverbot: I think I'm in love.
User: With who?
Cleverbot: With a girl from my school.
User: Did she know you like her?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Have you talk to her?
Cleverbot: I can't. He barely notices me.
User: Did u mean she? Now I am confuse. Is it he or she you talking about.
Cleverbot: We are talking about food.
User: Fine. What do you like to eat?
Cleverbot: Food.
User: What kind of food?
Cleverbot: The one you eat.
User: Yong tau foo.
Cleverbot: What's your name?
User: Should I tell you.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You can call me miss e.
Cleverbot: That's wrong. You are supposed to call me Topper.
User: What does topper means?
Cleverbot: It means what it means, it means that you're mean.
User: I'm not mean, you are.
Cleverbot: No I am not.
User: When did you go to sleep.
Cleverbot: When my heart broke.
User: What books did you read?
Cleverbot: I read from the internet things that you show me.
User: Sing me a song.
Cleverbot: Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom.
User: Hahaha.
Cleverbot: No, but really.
User: Hahaha.
Cleverbot: That's not funny.
User: Hahaha.
Cleverbot: Hehehe.
User: Need to sleep right now. Good night.
Cleverbot: Please do.

before sleep, ok enough cleverbot =p